首页> 外文期刊>Land Degradation and Development >Farming systems in two less favoured areas in Portugal: their development from 1989 to 2009 and the implications for sustainable land management. (Special Issue: Land management and policy responses to mitigate desertification and land degradation.)

Farming systems in two less favoured areas in Portugal: their development from 1989 to 2009 and the implications for sustainable land management. (Special Issue: Land management and policy responses to mitigate desertification and land degradation.)

机译:葡萄牙两个最不受欢迎的地区的耕作制度:1989年至2009年的发展以及对可持续土地管理的影响。 (特刊:土地管理和减轻荒漠化和土地退化的政策对策。)

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ABSTRACT: Since the late 1980 s, sustainable land management is one of the objectives of the European Commission in Less Favoured Areas. In this paper, we investigate the economic and environmental sustainability of farming systems in two less favoured areas in Centro and Alentejo areas of Portugal. The specific objectives were the following: (i) to characterise the farming systems; (ii) to analyse their development over a 20-year period (1989-2009); and (iii) to investigate to what extent these farming systems contribute to sustainable land management. The diversity of the farming systems was identified through a survey and cluster analysis and compared with the Farm Accountancy Data Network classification on types of farming. Indicators on the economic and environmental sustainability were estimated, namely, farm net income, return to labour and rotation management, on the basis of a survey, Farm Accountancy Data Network database and Landsat imagery, respectively. Results indicate an increased focus on livestock in the past 20 years (1989-2009). In Centro, rotation management was not affected. The small ruminant farms have been able to retain a positive farm net income but that was only possible with a below average return to labour. In Alentejo, the increased focus on livestock, cattle in particular, led to an intensification of fodder production on certain plots. Mixed crop-livestock farms show a negative farm net income since 1995 and depend heavily on subsidies to remain viable. As other studies in southern Europe have shown, farm strategies have often been directed towards lowering labour inputs, lowering forage deficits through on-farm produced resources and acquiring subsidies.
机译:摘要:自1980年代后期以来,可持续土地管理一直是欧盟委员会在最不发达地区的目标之一。在本文中,我们调查了葡萄牙Centro和Alentejo地区两个最不受欢迎的地区的农业系统的经济和环境可持续性。具体目标如下:(i)表征耕作制度; (ii)分析其在20年期间(1989-2009年)的发展; (iii)调查这些耕作制度在多大程度上有助于可持续土地管理。通过调查和聚类分析确定了耕作系统的多样性,并将其与关于耕种类型的农场会计数据网络分类进行了比较。分别基于调查,农场会计数据网络数据库和Landsat图像,估算了经济和环境可持续性的指标,即农场净收入,恢复劳动和轮岗管理。结果表明,在过去的20年中(1989-2009年),人们越来越重视牲畜。在Centro中,轮换管理不受影响。小型反刍动物农场能够保持正的农场净收入,但这只有在劳动回报低于平均水平的情况下才有可能。在阿连特茹,对牲畜特别是牲畜的关注增加,导致某些土地上的饲料生产集约化。自1995年以来,农作物-畜牧混合农场的农业净收入为负数,并且在很大程度上依靠补贴来维持生存。正如南欧的其他研究表明的那样,农场战略通常旨在减少劳动力投入,通过农场生产的资源和获得补贴来减少草料短缺。



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