首页> 外文期刊>Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems >Gas emissions from liquid dairy manure: complete versus partial storage emptying

Gas emissions from liquid dairy manure: complete versus partial storage emptying


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When manure slurry is removed from storages for land application, there is often 'aged' manure that remains because the storages are not completely emptied. Aged manure may act as an inoculum and alter subsequent methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3) emissions when fresh manure is added to the system, compared to an empty storage that is filled with fresh manure. Completely emptying manure storages may be a practice to decrease gas emissions, however, little pilot-scale research has been conducted to directly quantify the inoculum effect. Therefore, we compared CH4, N2O, and NH3 emissions from three pilot-scale slurry tanks (similar to 10.5 m(3) each) filled with a mixture of fresh manure and an inoculum of previously stored manure (i.e., partial emptying) to three tanks that contained only fresh manure (i.e., complete emptying). Gas fluxes were continuously measured over 155 d of warm season storage using flow-through steady-state chambers. The absence of an inoculum significantly reduced CH4 emissions by 56 % compared to partially emptied (inoculated) tanks, while there was no difference in N2O emissions. There was a significant 49 % reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions because the overall budget (as CO2-eq) was dominated by CH4. Complete manure storage emptying could be an effective GHG mitigation strategy; however, NH3 emissions were significantly higher from un-inoculated tanks due to slower crust formation. Therefore additional NH3 abatement should be considered
机译:当从存储库中取出肥料浆液进行土地施用时,通常会残留“老化”肥料,因为存储库没有完全清空。与将新鲜粪肥装满的空库相比,将老化的粪肥作为接种物可以改变随后的甲烷(CH4),一氧化二氮(N2O)和氨(NH3)的排放量。完全清空粪便存储库可能是减少气体排放的一种做法,但是,很少进行中试规模的研究来直接量化接种物的影响。因此,我们将填充了新鲜粪便和先前储存的粪便(即部分排空)混合物的三个中试规模的泥浆池(每个类似于10.5 m(3))的CH4,N2O和NH3排放进行了比较仅包含新鲜粪便的罐(即完全排空)。使用流通式稳态腔室在155 d的暖季存储中连续测量气体通量。与部分倒空(接种)的储罐相比,没有接种物可使CH4排放显着减少56%,而N2O排放没有差异。温室气体(GHG)排放量显着减少了49%,因为总预算(以CO2当量计)主要是CH4。完全排空粪便可能是有效的温室气体减排策略;但是,由于结壳形成较慢,未接种的储罐中的NH3排放量明显更高。因此,应考虑额外减少NH3



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