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Get ready for SOA: Regardless of approach to purchasing technology, service-oriented architectures will infiltrate all IT shops


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For the foreseeable future, any company deploying new IT systems - or upgrading existing ones - will need a service-oriented architecture (SOA) strategy. Why? Because all business software vendors are embracing SOA. It doesn't matter whether the vendor markets packaged applications that can be used out of the box - like an Oracle or SAP - or if it follows the IBM model of selling tool kits for customers seeking to develop custom solutions. SOA is underpinning all new product offerings. The nagging question for software buyers is whether the SOA approach will deliver the promised benefits. That answer will emerge over time. Meanwhile, it makes sense for manufacturing executives to develop at least a basic understanding of SOA and its potential impact on a business.
机译:在可预见的将来,任何部署新IT系统或升级现有IT系统的公司都将需要面向服务的体系结构(SOA)策略。为什么?因为所有商业软件供应商都在拥抱SOA。供应商是否销售可以立即使用的打包应用程序(例如Oracle或SAP),还是遵循IBM销售工具包的模型,以供寻求开发定制解决方案的客户,都没关系。 SOA是所有新产品产品的基础。对于软件购买者而言,最棘手的问题是SOA方法是否会带来承诺的收益。随着时间的推移,这个答案将会浮出水面。同时,对于制造主管来说,至少应该对SOA及其对业务的潜在影响有基本的了解。



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