首页> 外文期刊>Langmuir: The ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids >Aggregation Properties and Mixing Behavior of Hydrocarbon, Fluorocarbon, and Hybrid Hydrocarbon-Fluorocarbon Cartionic Dimeric Surfactants

Aggregation Properties and Mixing Behavior of Hydrocarbon, Fluorocarbon, and Hybrid Hydrocarbon-Fluorocarbon Cartionic Dimeric Surfactants


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The synthesis, phase behavior, and mixing properties of cationic dimeric (gemini) surfactants having one or two perfluoroalkyl chains is described and compared to that of analogue hydrocarbon surfactants. The combination of the dimeric character of the amphiphiles with the high hydrophobicity of the fluoroacarbon chains leads to very low critial micelle concentration values and unusually low characteristic times of exchange between surfactans in the bulk solution and surfactants in the aggregate. This results in slow exchange on the NMR time scale, which allows a practical study of micellization and comicellization by NMR. With respect to the morphology of the aggregates, the fluorocarbon amphiphiles do not simply behave as more hydrophobic amphiphiles. Instead, they assemble into various structures including very stable unilamellar and multilamellar vesicles not seen in their hydrocarbon analogues. The hybrid hydrocarbon-fluorocarbon dimeric surfactant exhhbits features of both families. In particular it mixes with either hydrocarbon or fluoroarbon surfactants, whereas the latter two undergo a macroscopic phase separation.



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