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An optofluidic imaging system to measure the biophysical signature of single waterborne bacteria


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In this paper, for the first time, an on-chip optofluidic imaging system is innovated to measure the biophysical signatures of single waterborne bacteria, including both their refractive indices and morphologies (size and shape), based on immersion refractometry. The key features of the proposed optofluidic imaging platform include (1) multiple sites for single-bacterium trapping, which enable parallel measurements to achieve higher throughput, and (2) a chaotic micromixer, which enables efficient refractive index variation of the surrounding medium. In the experiments, the distinctive refractive index of Echerichia coli. Shigella flexneri and Vibrio cholera are measured with a high precision of 5 x 10~(-3) RIU. The developed optofluidic imaging system has high potential not only for building up a database of biophysical signatures of waterborne bacteria, but also for developing single-bacterium detection in treated water that is in real-time, label-free and low cost.
机译:在本文中,首次采用片上光流体成像系统进行了创新,以基于浸没折光法测量单个水生细菌的生物物理特征,包括其折射率和形态(大小和形状)。拟议的光流体成像平台的关键特征包括:(1)用于单细菌捕获的多个位点,可以实现并行测量以实现更高的通量;(2)混沌微混合器,可以实现周围介质的有效折射率变化。在实验中,大肠埃希氏菌的独特折射率。弗氏志贺氏菌和霍乱弧菌的测量精度为5 x 10〜(-3)RIU。先进的光流体成像系统不仅具有建立水生细菌生物物理特征数据库的潜力,而且还具有开发实时,无标签且低成本的单细菌检测处理水的潜力。



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