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Exploring the diversity of urban and pen-urban agricultural systems in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa: An attempt towards a regional typology


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Developing appropriate and innovative technologies and policies to respond to the challenges that urban and pen-urban agriculture (UPA) faces in West Africa requires a better understanding of the existing production systems. Although there is an increasing recognition of the importance of UPA in the region, its extent, forms and related practices may vary across countries and cities because of different socioeconomic conditions and urbanization patterns. A systematic classification of the regional UPA systems is lacking but is necessary to allow for meaningful comparisons between cities and avoid misleading generalizations. The purpose of this study was to develop a typology of UPA households across three selected West African cities. Survey data from 318 UPA households (Kano: 99, Bobo Dioulasso: 111, Sikasso: 108) were submitted to principal components analysis for categorical variables (CATPCA). Next, the Two-Step cluster method was used to classify the households using object scores obtained from the CATPCA. Diversification of farm activities, farm resource endowment and production orientation were the major discriminating variables. In each city, four distinct UPA systems were identified, of which three were common to Kano, Bobo Dioulasso and Sikasso: commercial gardening plus field crops and livestock (59%, 18%, and 37%), commercial livestock plus subsistence field cropping (14%, 41%, and 7%), and commercial gardening plus semi-commercial field cropping (14%, 28%, and 30%). The fourth group was different at each location and was characterized as follows: commercial gardening plus semi-commercial livestock in Kano (13%), commercial field cropping in Bobo Dioulasso (13%) and commercial gardening in Sikasso (26%)
机译:制定适当的创新技术和政策来应对西非城市和郊区农业(UPA)面临的挑战,需要对现有生产系统有更好的了解。尽管人们越来越认识到UPA在该地区的重要性,但由于社会经济条件和城市化模式的不同,UPA的范围,形式和相关做法在各个国家和城市之间可能会有所不同。缺乏对区域UPA系统的系统分类,但是对于城市之间的有意义的比较并避免误导性的概括,这是必需的。这项研究的目的是在三个选定的西非城市中建立UPA家庭类型。来自318个UPA住户(卡诺:99,波波·迪乌拉索:111,锡卡索:108)的调查数据已提交给主成分分析,用于分类变量(CATPCA)。接下来,使用两步聚类方法使用从CATPCA获得的对象得分对家庭进行分类。农场活动的多样化,农场资源end赋和生产导向是主要的区分变量。在每个城市中,确定了四个不同的UPA系统,其中三个是Kano,Bobo Dioulasso和Sikasso共有的:商业园艺加田间农作物和牲畜(59%,18%和37%),商业牲畜加自给田间种植( 14%,41%和7%),商业园艺和半商业性田间种植(14%,28%和30%)。第四组在每个位置都不同,其特征如下:卡诺(Kano)的商业园艺加半商业牲畜(13%),博博迪欧​​拉索(Bobo Dioulasso)的商业大田种植(13%)和西卡索(Sikasso)的商业园艺(26%)


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