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The power of precision: Cecilie Geary admires the detailed work of botanical artist Audrey Eagle

机译:精准的力量:塞西莉·吉利(Cecilie Geary)欣赏植物学家奥黛丽·伊格(Audrey Eagle)的详尽作品

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The botanical references in Audrey Eagle's sunny living room in Macandrew Bay on the Otago Peninsula are inescapable. There are numerous books on plants lying about, the mugs from which we sip our lemon and ginger tea have images of fruit on them and the dozens of greeting cards lined up on the bookshelves nearly all depict flora of some kind. The congratulation cards were sent to Audrey by friends and colleagues after the success of her two-volume Eagle's Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand in the recent Montana Book Awards and the Spectrum Book Design Awards. The books won Montana's medal for nonfiction plus the illustrative award and, in the Spectrum Awards, best illustrated book, best corner and best book overall. The magnitude of her winsurprised Audrey who thought she might possibly pick up one award at the most.
机译:奥塔哥半岛Macandrew湾奥黛丽·鹰(Audrey Eagle)阳光明媚的客厅中的植物学参考文献是不可避免的。有许多关于植物的书籍,我们用来喝柠檬和姜茶的杯子上有水果的图像,书架上排列着数十张贺卡,几乎都刻画了某种植物。在最近的《蒙大拿州图书奖》和《频谱图书设计奖》中,她的两卷《鹰的新西兰完整树木和灌木丛》获得成功后,朋友和同事将祝贺卡发送给了奥黛丽。这些书获得了蒙大拿州非小说类奖章,再加上插图奖,并在“光谱奖”中获得了最佳插图书,最佳角书和整体最佳书。奥黛丽(Audrey)的惊讶让她惊讶不已,她认为自己最多可能会获得一个奖项。



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