首页> 外文期刊>Nursing science quarterly >Experience of Events of Truth in Hermeneutic Conversation With Text: Ethics and Ontology

Experience of Events of Truth in Hermeneutic Conversation With Text: Ethics and Ontology


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The purpose of this article is to explore what the experience of events of truth can entail in hermeneutic dialogue with text as well as the significance this can have for hermeneutic methodology in caring science. Experience of events of truth is discussed based on Hans-Georg Gadamer's ontological perspective and on Emmanuel Levinas's ethical perspective. A veritable experience of an event of truth is a testimony to the responsibility we take for the Other and to our humanity. Experience of events of truth requires that there is a connection of esteem between ethics and ontology in the reader's understanding of what Hans-Georg Gadamer calls the subject matter (Sache). The experience of events of truth has methodological significance for caring science in that it can contribute to the disclosure of ontological evidence and inform caregiving and caring science.



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