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The business of nurse educators in troubled times.


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I wanted to be a nurse teacher so badly. As a wistfully young clinician I loved working with students. I loved learning every aspect of my craft, art or practice-call it what you will. 1 loved the various aspects of scholarship that were unfolding for me as I discovered this wondrous iceberg called Nursing, where there forever seemed to be so much more below the surface than I could fathom. 1 loved the thinking, the discussions with colleagues and students, the questioning, the writing, the presenting and the "further studies."It seemed the most natural of progressions to become a nurse educator. Such a fond hope however ignored the oxymoronic realities of nurses' "career progression" in the 1970s, especially for those of us considered less than "real nurses," from fields such as Learning Disability (or "Mental Handicap"/"Mental Subnormality" as it was then grotesquely defined). 1 regularly petitioned the local "College of Nursing" to undertake some, any, teaching course, to work in some capacity as an unqualified clinical teacher, to "help out" in some way. Had I worn a sandwich board saying: "Will Work For Food" 1 could not have seemed more willing.
机译:我非常想当一名护士老师。作为一个渴望的年轻临床医生,我喜欢与学生一起工作。我喜欢学习手工艺,艺术或练习的各个方面,随便怎么说。当我发现这个名为“护理”的奇妙的冰山时,我爱不断涌现的奖学金的各个方面,那里似乎永远比我想像的要深得多。 1喜欢思考,与同事和学生的讨论,提问,写作,演讲和“进一步的学习”。成为护士教育者似乎是最自然的进步。然而,这种热情的希望忽略了1970年代护士“职业发展”的矛盾现实,特别是对于那些在学习障碍(或“弱智” /“精神异常”)等领域被认为不如“真正的护士”的人。然后被怪诞地定义)。 1经常请当地的“护理学院”进行某些,任何教学课程,以不合格的临床老师的身份工作,以某种方式“帮忙”。我是否曾穿过一块三明治板,上面写着:“为食物而工作” 1似乎更愿意。



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