首页> 外文期刊>North American Journal of Fisheries Management >Levels of Introgression in Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations Nine Years after Changes to Rainbow Trout Stocking Programs in Southeastern British Columbia

Levels of Introgression in Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations Nine Years after Changes to Rainbow Trout Stocking Programs in Southeastern British Columbia


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Introgressive hybridization (introgression) between native westslope cutthroat front Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi and introduced rainbow front O. mykiss in the tipper Kootenay River, British Columbia. appears to be recent and is partly attributed to rainbow trout stocking in Koocanusa Reservoir starting in 1988, fit 1998, rainbow trout stocking was stopped or replaced with the stocking of triploids throughout the watershed. The goal of this research was to determine the effect of the change in stocking practices oil the level of introgression between westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout. We monitored 14 sites front 1999 to 2007 using four co-dominant, diagnostic nuclear markers. Sample sites were categorized its (1) open if no fish migration barriers existed between the site and the reservoir or (2) closed if migration barriers were present between the site and the reservoir. We classified fish its pure westslope cutthroat trout if no rainbow trout alleles were detected fish were classified its hybrids if they had in least one rainbow trout allele present, We also classified fish into parental and hybrid types based on their multilocus genotypes. Open sites had more hybrids (15.8%) than closed sites (4.8%; chi(2) = 23.38. df = 1, P < 0.0001). Westslope cutthroat trout backcrosses were the most common hybrid genotype in both Open and closed sites. At open sites near the reservoir, introgression levels stayed relatively high (20-30%) and pure rainbow trout and rainbow trout backcross individuals were common. Introgression significantly increased at two of three Sites surveyed at intermediate distances upstream front the reservoir (i.e.. 27-87 km). The new, stocking, program does not appear to have reduced introgression or prevented the spread of hybrid individuals ill the upper Kootenay River, and more active management strategies will be required to prevent further introgression and loss of unique westslope Cutthroat trout populations.
机译:在不列颠哥伦比亚省的倾翻的库特尼河(Kootenay River)上,本来的西坡尖角喉锋Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi和引入的彩虹锋O. mykiss之间进行了渗入杂交(渗入)。虹鳟鱼的放养似乎是最近的,部分原因是从1988年开始的库奥卡努斯水库中的虹鳟鱼放养,1998年左右,虹鳟鱼的放养被停止了,或者被整个流域的三倍体放养所代替。这项研究的目的是确定放养方式变化对西坡s鱼鳟鱼和虹鳟鱼渗水程度的影响。我们使用四个共同的诊断性核标记物监测了1999年至2007年的14个站点。样本站点被分类为(1)如果站点和水库之间不存在鱼类迁移障碍,则开放;或(2)如果站点和水库之间存在迁移障碍,则关闭。如果未检测到虹鳟等位基因,则将其归类为纯西斜角tr鳟鱼;如果存在至少一个虹鳟等位基因,则将其归类为杂种。我们还根据多基因座基因型将其分为亲本类型和杂种类型。开放站点比封闭站点(4.8%; chi(2)= 23.38。df = 1,P <0.0001)多的杂种(15.8%)。在开放和封闭地点,Westslope残酷的鳟鱼回交是最常见的杂种基因型。在水库附近的空旷地区,渗水水平保持相对较高(20-30%),纯虹鳟鱼和虹鳟回交个体很普遍。在水库前上游中间距离(即27-87公里)进行调查的三个站点中,有两个站点的渗入显着增加。新的放养计划似乎并没有减少渗入或阻止杂种个体在科特尼河上游扩散,需要采取更加积极的管理策略,以防止进一步渗入和减少独特的西坡苦竹鳟鱼种群。



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