首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Benzodiazepines protect hippocampal neurons from degeneration after transient cerebral ischemia: an ultrastructural study.

Benzodiazepines protect hippocampal neurons from degeneration after transient cerebral ischemia: an ultrastructural study.


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The ability of full and partial benzodiazepine receptor agonists to prevent DNA fragmentation and neuronal death after transient cerebral ischemia was investigated in the Mongolian gerbil. Diazepam (10mg/kg, i.p.) or the partial agonist imidazenil (3mg/kg, i.p.) was administered 30 and 90min after transient forebrain ischemia produced by occlusion of the carotid arteries for 5min. Treatment with diazepam completely protected CA1b hippocampal pyramidal neurons in 94% of the animals and partially protected pyramidal neurons in 6% of the animals, as assessed with a standard Nissl stain three and four days after ischemia. DNA fragmentation was examined by the terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) reaction. Prior to cell death, there were no TUNEL-positive neurons in area CA1b. By three days after ischemia, when neuronal degeneration was nearly complete, 14 out of 16 gerbils exhibited a positive TUNEL reaction throughout area CA1b stratum pyramidale. In 13 out of 14 gerbils treated with diazepam, no TUNEL-positive neurons were observed in this region. Imidazenil was less effective than diazepam with respect to both neuroprotection and prevention of DNA fragmentation. Three days after ischemia, six out of eight gerbils treated with imidazenil showed partial to complete neuroprotection. Imidazenil completely prevented DNA fragmentation in only one of the animals; varying degrees of TUNEL reaction persisted in the remainder. To determine whether the neurons protected by diazepam had a normal ultrastructure, gerbils were killed two to 30 days after ischemia and the hippocampal neurons in area CA1b were examined by electron microscopy. Within the first 48h after ischemia, early cytoplasmic changes of varying degrees (e.g., vacuolation, rough endoplasmic reticulum stacking, swollen mitochondria) and electron-dense dendrites were observed in gerbils not treated with diazepam. Degeneration was nearly complete by three days after ischemia. In contrast, pyramidal neuron ultrastructure appeared normal in gerbils that exhibited complete area CA1b neuroprotection (defined at the light microscope level) by diazepam when studied two, seven or 30 days after ischemia. In gerbils with partial protection of area CA1b, most of the remaining neurons exhibited varying degrees of necrosis when studied 30 days after ischemia. No apoptotic bodies were observed.We conclude that: (i) diazepam can fully protect CA1 pyramidal cells from the toxic effects of transient cerebral ischemia; (ii) when diazepam affords only partial neuroprotection, the residual CA1 pyramidal cells exhibit ultrastructural abnormalities consistent with necrotic damage; and (iii) diazepam is a more efficacious neuroprotectant than the partial benzodiazepine receptor agonist, imidazenil.
机译:在蒙古沙鼠中研究了全部和部分苯二氮卓类受体激动剂预防短暂性脑缺血后DNA片段化和神经元死亡的能力。在通过阻塞颈动脉5分钟产生短暂前脑缺血后30和90分钟,给予地西(10mg / kg,腹膜内)或部分激动剂咪达唑(3mg / kg,腹膜内)。缺血后三天和四天用标准Nissl染色评估,用地西epa治疗可完全保护94%的动物的CA1b海马锥体神经元,并部分保护6%的动物的锥体神经元。通过末端dUTP缺口末端标记(TUNEL)反应检查DNA片段化。在细胞死亡之前,CA1b区没有TUNEL阳性神经元。缺血后三天,当神经元变性几乎完全完成时,在整个CA1b锥体区域,16个沙鼠中有14个显示出TUNEL阳性反应。在用地西epa治疗的14只沙鼠中,有13只在该区域未观察到TUNEL阳性神经元。在神经保护和防止DNA片段化方面,咪达西尼的有效性不如地西epa。缺血三天后,用咪达唑尼治疗的八只沙鼠中有六只显示出部分或完全的神经保护作用。咪达西尼仅能完全阻止其中一只动物的DNA断裂。其余的过程中,TUNEL反应的程度不同。为了确定地西epa保护的神经元是否具有正常的超微结构,在缺血后两到30天杀死沙鼠,并通过电子显微镜检查CA1b区域的海马神经元。在未用地西epa治疗的沙鼠中,在缺血后的第一个48小时内,观察到早期程度不同的细胞质变化(例如空泡,内质网粗糙堆积,线粒体肿胀)和电子致密树突。缺血后三天,变性几乎完成。相反,在缺血后两天,七天或三十天进行研究时,沙地鼠的锥体神经元超微结构似乎是正常的,沙地鼠表现出完全的区域CA1b神经保护作用(在光学显微镜下定义)。在局部保护CA1b的沙鼠中,当缺血30天后进行研究时,大多数剩余的神经元表现出不同程度的坏死。结论:(i)地西conclude可以完全保护CA1锥体细胞免受短暂性脑缺血的毒性作用。 (ii)当地西epa仅提供部分神经保护时,残留的CA1锥体细胞显示出与坏死性损伤一致的超微结构异常; (iii)地西m比部分苯并二氮杂im受体激动剂咪达西尼(imidazenil)更有效。



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