首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian journal of Work, Environment and Health >Gender differences in sickness absence--the contribution of occupation and workplace.

Gender differences in sickness absence--the contribution of occupation and workplace.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to examine whether differences in male and female occupations and workplaces explain gender differences in self-certified (1-3 days) and medically confirmed sickness absence episodes of various lengths (> or = 4 days, >2 weeks, >60 days). Analyses in the main ICD-10 diagnostic groups were conducted for absence episodes of >2 weeks. Furthermore, we examined whether the contribution of occupation is related to different distributions of female and male jobs across the social class hierarchy. METHODS: All municipal employees of the City of Helsinki at the beginning of 2004 (N=36 395) were followed-up until the end of 2007. Conditional fixed-effects Poisson regression was used to control for differences between occupations and workplaces. RESULTS: Controlling for occupation accounted for half of the female excess in self-certified and medically confirmed episodes lasting >60 days. In the intermediate categories, this explained about one third of the female excess. The effect of workplace was similar but weaker. Occupational and workplace differences explained the female excess in sickness absence due to mental and behavioral disorders, musculoskeletal diseases, and respiratory diseases. The effect of occupation was clearly stronger than that of social class in self-certified absence episodes, whereas in medically confirmed sickness absence episodes gender differences were to a large extent related to social class differences between occupations. CONCLUSIONS: Differences between occupations held by women and men explain a substantial part of the female excess in sickness absence. Mental and behavioral disorders and musculoskeletal diseases substantially contribute to this explanation.
机译:目的: 本研究的目的是检查男性和女性职业和工作场所的差异是否解释了自我认证(1-3 天)和医学确认的不同长度的病假发作(> 或 = 4 天、>2 周>60 天)的性别差异。在主要的ICD-10诊断组中,对失病发作进行了>2周的分析。此外,我们研究了职业的贡献是否与社会阶层中女性和男性工作的不同分布有关。方法:对2004年初赫尔辛基市的所有市政雇员(N=36 395)进行随访,直到2007年底。采用条件固定效应泊松回归控制职业和工作场所之间的差异。结果:在持续 >60 天的自我认证和医学确认的发作中,控制职业占女性超额的一半。在中间类别中,这解释了大约三分之一的女性过剩。工作场所的效果相似,但较弱。职业和工作场所的差异解释了女性因精神和行为障碍、肌肉骨骼疾病和呼吸系统疾病而缺勤的人数过多的原因。在自我证明的缺勤事件中,职业的影响明显强于社会阶层的影响,而在医学证实的疾病缺勤事件中,性别差异在很大程度上与职业之间的社会阶级差异有关。结论:女性和男性所从事的职业之间的差异解释了女性因病缺勤过剩的很大一部分原因。精神和行为障碍以及肌肉骨骼疾病对这一解释有很大贡献。



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