首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience Letters: An International Multidisciplinary Journal Devoted to the Rapid Publication of Basic Research in the Brain Sciences >Mental calculation impairment in Alzheimer's disease: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

Mental calculation impairment in Alzheimer's disease: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.


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This functional MRI study investigates cerebral activations during mental arithmetic performance, in patients diagnosed with probable Alzheimer's disease (with mild to moderate severity) and age-matched healthy controls. The arithmetic task consisted in three-digit addition and subtraction problems. The task elicited bilateral parietal and prefrontal activations in the control group, in agreement with previous imaging studies of mental arithmetic. In the Alzheimer group, inferior parietal and lateral prefrontal activations were significantly reduced when compared to controls (corrected P < 0.05 ). This important reduction of activity was likely responsible for the patients' poor performance in the task. These results confirm the deficit in calculation abilities, which occurs early in Alzheimer's disease, and provide additional knowledge of the neural mechanisms underlying this impairment.
机译:这项功能性MRI研究调查了诊断为可能的阿尔茨海默氏病(轻度至中度)和年龄匹配的健康对照者在心算过程中的大脑激活情况。算术任务包括三位数的加减运算问题。该任务在对照组中引起了双侧顶叶和前额叶的激活,这与先前对心算的影像学研究相一致。在阿尔茨海默病组中,与对照组相比,壁下壁和额叶前额叶的激活明显减少(校正后的P <0.05)。这项重要的活动减少可能是患者在这项任务中表现不佳的原因。这些结果证实了在阿尔茨海默氏病早期发生的计算能力的缺陷,并提供了有关这种损伤的神经机制的更多知识。



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