首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychology >Psychopathic personality traits associated with abnormal selective attention and impaired cognitive control.

Psychopathic personality traits associated with abnormal selective attention and impaired cognitive control.


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The current study investigated how mechanisms of attention that have been well-characterized in the cognitive psychology literature (Lavie, Hirst, De Fockert, & Viding, 2004; Maylor & Lavie, 1998) may be differentially associated with psychopathic traits in nonincarcerated men. Previous research on cognition and psychopathy indicated that primary psychopathic traits were associated with overfocused attention and/or reduced processing of information peripheral to the focus of attention. Conversely, deficits in executive functioning, such as working memory and cognitive control, were implicated in secondary psychopathic traits. Results revealed a significant relationship between traits typically associated with primary psychopathy (e.g., low anxiety, social dominance, fearlessness, callousness) and reduced processing of task-irrelevant distractors, suggesting diminished basic attentional capacity among individuals high on these traits. In contrast, some characteristics linked to secondary psychopathy (e.g., social alienation, cynicism) showed a positive relationship with impaired working memory functioning, indicative of deficits in cognitive control, whereas other traits (i.e., self-centeredness, antagonism) did not. These results suggest that psychopathic traits are differentially related to selective impairments in attentional functioning, which may help explain the observed heterogeneity in psychopathic manifestations.
机译:目前的研究调查了认知心理学文献中已充分表征的注意力机制(Lavie,Hirst,De Fockert和&Viding,2004; Maylor和Lavie,1998)如何与非被监禁男性的精神病性状相关。先前关于认知和心理疾病的研究表明,主要的精神病性状与注意力过度集中和/或注意力集中外围信息的处理减少有关。相反,执行功能的缺陷,例如工作记忆和认知控制,则与继发性精神病有关。结果显示,通常与原发性精神病相关的特征(例如,低焦虑,社交支配,无畏,无情)与减少与任务无关的干扰物的处理之间存在显着相关性,这表明在具有这些特征的个人中,基本注意力的能力下降了。相反,与继发性精神病相关的某些特征(例如,社交疏远,玩世不恭)与受损的工作记忆功能呈正相关关系,表明认知控制能力不足,而其他特征(即以自我为中心,对立)则没有。这些结果表明,精神病性状与注意力功能的选择性损伤有不同的相关性,这可能有助于解释观察到的精神病性表现的异质性。



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