首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychologia >Behavioral characterization of prediction and internal models in adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders

Behavioral characterization of prediction and internal models in adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders


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Autism has been considered as a deficit in prediction of the upcoming event or of the sensory consequences of our own movements. To test this hypothesis, we recorded eye movements from high functioning autistic adolescents and from age-matched controls during a blanking paradigm. In this paradigm, adolescents were instructed to follow a moving target with their eyes even during its transient disappearance. Given the absence of visual information during the blanking period, eye movements during this period are solely controlled on the basis of the prediction of the ongoing target motion. Typical markers of predictive eye movements such as the number and accuracy of predictive saccades and the predictive reacceleration before target reappearance were identical in the two populations. In addition, the synergy of predictive saccades and smooth pursuit observed during the blanking periods, which is a marker for the quality of internal models about target/eye motions, was comparable between these two populations. These results suggest that, in our large population of high-functioning autistic adolescent, both predictive abilities and internal models are left intact in Autism, at least for low-level sensorimotor transformations. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:自闭症被认为是对即将发生的事件或我们自身运动的感觉后果的预测的缺陷。为了验证这一假设,我们在空白模型中记录了功能强大的自闭症青少年以及年龄匹配的对照的眼球运动。在这种范例中,指示青少年即使在瞬态消失期间也要用眼睛跟随移动的目标。由于在消隐期间没有视觉信息,因此仅根据对正在进行的目标运动的预测来控制此期间的眼睛运动。在这两个人群中,预测性眼球运动的典型标记(例如,预测扫视的数量和准确性以及目标重新出现之前的预测性重新加速)是相同的。此外,在这两个人群之间,在消隐期观察到的预测扫视和平滑追踪的协同作用是可比的,该协同作用标志着有关目标/眼球运动的内部模型的质量。这些结果表明,在我们大量的高功能自闭症青少年中,至少对于低水平的感觉运动转换,自闭症的预测能力和内部模型都保持完整。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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