首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychologia >The neuroplastic effect of working memory training in healthy volunteers and patients with schizophrenia: Implications for cognitive rehabilitation

The neuroplastic effect of working memory training in healthy volunteers and patients with schizophrenia: Implications for cognitive rehabilitation


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We conducted an activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis to quantitatively review the existing working memory (WM) training studies that investigated neural activation changes both in healthy individuals and patients with schizophrenia. ALE analysis of studies in healthy individuals indicates a widespread distribution of activation changes with WM training in the frontal and parietal regions, especially the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the medial frontal cortex and the precuneus, as well as subcortical regions such as the insula and the striatum. WM training is also accompanied by activation changes in patients with schizophrenia, mainly in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the precuneus and the fusiform gyrus. Our results demonstrate that WM training is accompanied by changes in neural activation patterns in healthy individuals, which may provide the basis for understanding neuroplastic changes in patients with schizophrenia. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:我们进行了激活可能性估计(ALE)荟萃分析,以定量审查现有的工作记忆(WM)训练研究,该研究研究了健康个体和精神分裂症患者中神经激活的变化。 ALE对健康个体的研究分析表明,随着WM训练,激活变化广泛分布在额叶和顶叶区域,尤其是背外侧前额叶皮层,内侧额叶皮层和前神经以及皮层下区域(如岛状体和纹状体) 。 WM训练还伴随着精神分裂症患者的激活变化,主要在背外侧前额叶皮层,早中神经和梭状回中。我们的结果表明,WM训练伴随着健康个体神经激活模式的变化,这可能为了解精神分裂症患者的神经增生变化提供了基础。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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