首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychologia >Waves of awareness for occipital and parietal phosphenes perception

Waves of awareness for occipital and parietal phosphenes perception


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the occipital cortex is known to induce visual sensations, i.e. phosphenes, which appear as flashes of light in the absence of an external stimulus. Recent studies have shown that TMS can produce phosphenes also when the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) is stimulated. The main question addressed in this paper is whether parietal phosphenes are generated directly by local mechanisms or emerge through indirect activation of other visual areas. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals were recorded while stimulating left occipital or parietal cortices inducing phosphene perception in healthy participants and in a hemianopic patient who suffered from complete destruction of the early visual cortex of the left hemisphere. Results in healthy participants showed that the onset of phosphene perception induced by occipital TMS correlated with differential cortical activity in temporal sites while the onset of phosphene perception induced by parietal TMS correlated with differential cortical activity in the stimulated parietal site. Moreover, IPS-TMS of the lesioned hemisphere of the hemianopic patient with a complete lesion to V1 showed again that the onset of phosphene perception correlated with differential cortical activity in the stimulated parietal site. The present data seem thus to suggest that temporal and parietal cortices can serve as different local early gatekeepers of perceptual awareness and that activity in the occipital cortex, although being relevant for perception in general, is not part of the neural bases of the perceptual awareness of phosphenes. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:众所周知,枕皮质的经颅磁刺激(TMS)会引起视觉感觉,即,在没有外部刺激的情况下会以闪光的形式出现。最近的研究表明,当刺激顶内沟(IPS)时,TMS也会产生膦。本文解决的主要问题是壁上的磷烯是通过局部机制直接生成还是通过间接激活其他视觉区域而出现。脑电图(EEG)信号在刺激健康受试者和遭受完全破坏左半球早期视皮层的偏盲患者的左枕或顶叶皮层诱导磷化氢感知的同时被记录。健康参与者的结果表明,枕骨TMS诱发的phosph知觉的发作与颞部皮质活动的差异有关,而顶骨TMS诱发的知觉的发作与受刺激的顶叶部位的皮质活动的差异有关。此外,患有完全V1病变的偏瘫患者的病变半球的IPS-TMS再次显示,磷光体感知的发作与受刺激的顶叶部位的皮质活动不同有关。因此,目前的数据似乎表明颞叶和顶叶皮层可以充当不同的局部早期知觉守卫者,并且枕叶皮质中的活动尽管与一般的知觉有关,但并不属于知觉的神经基础。 phosph。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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