首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience and behavioral physiology >Network Activity of Neurons in the Frontal and Motor Areas of the Cortex in Cats in Situations of Simple and Complex Decision Taking

Network Activity of Neurons in the Frontal and Motor Areas of the Cortex in Cats in Situations of Simple and Complex Decision Taking


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The organization of the network activity of neurons in the frontal and motor areas of the cortex was demonstrated in cats taking simple (no choice) and complex decisions with the opportunity to choose a behavioral strategy. On acquisition of delayed reflexes with a single reinforcement (no choice), there were no behavioral differences between the animals and a high level of performance of correct responses. In a complex situation, with the “right” to choose food reinforcements of different values, the same animals differed in their behavioral strategies and showed different levels of ability to solve the task. Assessment of neuron network activity revealed differences in the organization of cell ensembles in the frontal and motor areas of the cortex in situations of taking simple and complex decisions. In the complex decision situation, the motor cortex showed a decrease in the number of excitatory interneuronal interactions, suggesting organization of inhibitory circuits in the local networks. In the frontal cortex in the same situation, the network activity of cells remained unaltered and the only change was a tendency to an increase in this parameter in erroneous responses.



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