首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience and behavioral physiology >The role of cutaneous afferents in controlling locomotion evoked by epidural stimulation of the spinal cord in decerebrate cats

The role of cutaneous afferents in controlling locomotion evoked by epidural stimulation of the spinal cord in decerebrate cats


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The effects of the cutaneous input on the formation of the locomotor pattern in conditions of epidural stimulation of the spinal cord in decerebrate cats were studied. Locomotor activity was induced by rhythmic stimulation of the dorsal surface of spinal cord segments L4–L5 at a frequency of 3–5 Hz. Electromyograms (EMG) recorded from the antagonist muscles quadriceps, semitendinosus, tibialis anterior, and gastrocnemius lateralis were recorded, along with the kinematics of stepping movements during locomotion on a moving treadmill and reflex responses to single stimuli. Changes in the pattern of reactions observed before and after exclusion of cutaneous receptors (infiltration of lidocaine solution at the base of the paw or irrigation of the paw pads with chlorothane solution) were assessed. This treatment led to impairment of the locomotor cycle: the paw was placed with the rear surface downward and was dragged along in the swing phase, and the duration of the stance phase decreased. Exclusion of cutaneous afferents suppressed the polysynaptic activity of the extensor muscles and the distal flexor muscle of the ipsilateral hindlimb during locomotion evoked by epidural stimulation of the spinal cord. The effects of exclusion of cutaneous afferents on the monosynaptic component of the EMG response were insignificant.
机译:研究了在硬膜外刺激脊髓的条件下皮肤输入对运动模式的形成的影响。有节律地刺激脊髓节段L4–L5的背表面以3–5 Hz的频率诱发运动能力。记录了从拮抗肌的四头肌,半腱肌,胫骨前肌和腓肠肌外侧肌记录的肌电图(EMG),以及在移动的跑步机上进行运动时步进运动的运动学以及对单个刺激的反射反应。评估了在排除皮肤受体之前和之后观察到的反应模式的变化(利多卡因溶液在足底的浸润或用氯乙烷溶液冲洗足垫)。这种处理导致运动周期的损害:将脚掌放在后表面朝下并在摆动阶段将其拖拽,并且站立阶段的持续时间减少。在脊髓硬膜外刺激引起的运动过程中,排除皮肤传入抑制了同侧后肢的伸肌和远侧屈肌的多突触活动。皮肤传入排斥对肌电图反应的单突触成分的影响微不足道。



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