首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychologia >The sound of music: Differentiating musicians using a fast, musical multi-feature mismatch negativity paradigm

The sound of music: Differentiating musicians using a fast, musical multi-feature mismatch negativity paradigm


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Musicians' skills in auditory processing depend highly on instrument, performance practice, and on level of expertise. Yet, it is not known though whether the style/genre of music might shape auditory processing in the brains of musicians. Here, we aimed at tackling the role of musical style/genre on modulating neural and behavioral responses to changes in musical features. Using a novel, fast and musical sounding multi-feature paradigm, we measured the mismatch negativity (MMN), a pre-attentive brain response, to six types of musical feature change in musicians playing three distinct styles of music (classical, jazz, rock/pop) and in non-musicians. Jazz and classical musicians scored higher in the musical aptitude test than band musicians and non-musicians, especially with regards to tonal abilities. These results were extended by the MMN findings: jazz musicians had larger MMN-amplitude than all other experimental groups across the six different sound features, indicating a greater overall sensitivity to auditory outliers. In particular, we found enhanced processing of pith and sliding up to pitches in jazz musicians only. Furthermore, we observed a more frontal MMN to pitch and location compared to the other deviants in jazz musicians and left lateralization of the MMN to timbre in classical musicians. These findings indicate that the characteristics of the style/genre of music played by musicians influence their perceptual skills and the brain processing of sound features embedded in a musical context. Musicians' brain is hence shaped by the type of training, musical style/genre, and listening experiences.
机译:音乐家在听觉处理中的技能在很大程度上取决于乐器,表演实践和专业水平。然而,虽然音乐的风格/流派是否会影响音乐家大脑中的听觉处理,但尚不清楚。在这里,我们旨在解决音乐风格/流派在调节对音乐特征变化的神经和行为反应中的作用。我们使用新颖,快速且具有音乐发声功能的多元范例,对演奏前三种不同音乐风格(古典音乐,爵士音乐,摇滚音乐)的音乐家的六种音乐特征变化进行了失配负性(MMN)评估,这是一种注意力不集中的大脑反应/ pop)和非音乐人中。爵士乐和古典音乐家在音乐能力测验中的得分要高于乐队音乐家和非音乐家,尤其是在音调能力方面。 MMN的发现进一步扩展了这些结果:在六个不同的声音特征上,爵士乐手的MMN振幅大于所有其他实验组,表明对听觉异常值的总体敏感性更高。特别是,我们发现仅在爵士乐手中,增强了对髓的处理和滑音。此外,与爵士音乐家中的其他变种相比,我们观察到的MMN在音高和位置上更靠前,而在古典音乐家中,MMN的左侧偏向于音色。这些发现表明,音乐家演奏的音乐风格/类型的特征会影响他们的感知能力以及音乐上下文中嵌入的声音特征的大脑处理能力。因此,音乐家的大脑受训练类型,音乐风格/流派和聆听体验的影响。



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