首页> 外文期刊>Neurophysiology >Effect of Tubocurarine on Large-Conductance Cationic Channels in the Inner Nuclear Membrane of Purkinje Neurons of the Rat Cerebellum

Effect of Tubocurarine on Large-Conductance Cationic Channels in the Inner Nuclear Membrane of Purkinje Neurons of the Rat Cerebellum


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Large-conductance cationic channels (LCCs) are present in the nuclear membranes of Purkinje neurons. Channels of this type are characterized by their selectivity with respect to monovalent cations, high unitary conductance, slow kinetics, and voltage dependence. The structural peculiarities, amino acid sequence in the molecules, and physiological role of these channels remain unknown. It is obvious that elucidation of functions of LCCs in the nuclear membranes depends on identification of a specific blocker of these channels. We carried out experiments using the patch-clamp technique and found a specific blocker of LCC channels. A well-known alkaloid, tubocurarine, was found to completely block the conductivity of LCC channels after application in concentrations of 1.0 mM or greater under conditions where the charge on the nuclear membrane is negative. At present, this compound is the only effective blocker of channels of the above-mentioned type.
机译:Purkinje神经元的核膜中存在大电导性阳离子通道(LCC)。这种类型的通道的特征在于它们对单价阳离子的选择性,高单位电导率,缓慢的动力学和电压依赖性。这些通道的结构特点,氨基酸序列和生理作用仍然未知。显然,对LCCs在核膜中功能的阐明取决于对这些通道的特定阻滞剂的鉴定。我们使用膜片钳技术进行了实验,发现了LCC通道的特定阻滞剂。在核膜上电荷为负的条件下,以1.0 mM或更高的浓度应用后,发现了一种众所周知的生物碱微管尿素可完全阻断LCC通道的电导率。目前,该化合物是上述类型通道的唯一有效阻断剂。



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