首页> 外文期刊>NeuroRehabilitation >'Stroke a chord': The effect of singing in a community choir on mood and social engagement for people living with aphasia following a stroke

'Stroke a chord': The effect of singing in a community choir on mood and social engagement for people living with aphasia following a stroke


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BACKGROUND: Communication deficits resulting from aphasia can negatively impact stroke survivors' relationships and social participation. Despite their difficulties, singing is accessible and enjoyable for many people with aphasia. OBJECTIVES: To explore the effects of group singing for people with aphasia. METHODS: A community choir was established and facilitated by a neurologic music therapist. Mood (General Health Questionnaire-12; Visual Analogue Mood Scale), communication, cognition and global functioning (Stroke Impact Scale-3) and social functioning (Sense of Belonging Instrument) were measured before, and at 12-weeks and 20-weeks after joining the choir. Three choir members and five caregivers also completed semi-structured interviews about their experience of the choir. RESULTS: Baselines measures were collected for 13 participants with aphasia. Prior to joining the choir, participants had higher levels of negative mood symptoms and poorer subjective sense of belonging compared to Australian general population samples. Results from the GHQ-12 suggested a trend towards reduction of psychological distress after participating in the choir. Thematic analysis of the interviews revealed five common themes: increased confidence, peer support, enhanced mood, increased motivation, and changes to communication. CONCLUSION: The strength of findings was limited by the number of participants and lack of a control group, however clear benefits of choir participation were demonstrated. Preliminary findings were encouraging and warrant further rigorous investigation.
机译:背景:失语症导致的沟通不足会对中风幸存者的人际关系和社会参与产生负面影响。尽管他们有困难,但许多失语症患者仍能轻松自在地唱歌。目的:探讨小组唱歌对失语症患者的影响。方法:建立了一个社区合唱团,并由一名神经科音乐治疗师提供协助。在测量之前,之后12周和20周,测量情绪(一般健康问卷12;视觉模拟情绪量表),沟通,认知和整体功能(中风影响量表3)和社交功能(归属感)。参加合唱团。三名合唱团成员和五名保姆也完成了关于他们对合唱团经历的半结构化访谈。结果:收集了13名失语症参与者的基线测量值。与澳大利亚普通人群相比,参加合唱团之前,参与者的负面情绪症状水平较高,主观归属感较差。 GHQ-12的结果表明,参加合唱团后有减少心理困扰的趋势。对访谈的主题分析揭示了五个共同的主题:增强信心,同伴支持,心情增强,动机增强和沟通改变。结论:研究结果的强度受到参与者人数和缺乏对照组的限制,但是证明了合唱团参与的明显好处。初步发现令人鼓舞,需要进行更严格的调查。



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