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Intracranial supraclinoid ICA dissection causing cerebral infarction and subsequent subarachnoid hemorrhage.


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Intracranial arterial dissection usually leads to cerebral infarction or subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). It is rare to see both complications in one clinical scenario.Case report and review of the literature.A 48-year-old woman suffered a left middle cerebral infarct from a dissection of the left supraclinoid ICA. As she was recovering from the ischemic stroke 5 days later she suffered a SAH. The SAH was caused by rupture of a dissecting pseudoaneurysm, which only became evident on repeat catheter angiography. The dissecting pseudoaneurysm was treated with coil occlusion.Intracranial ICA dissections are typically associated with either ischemic or hemorrhagic presentation. We report an unusual case of a patient who suffered a SAH a few days after an ischemic stroke from the dissection. This case contradicts the long-held dogma that intracranial dissection can have either an ischemic or a hemorrhagic presentation, but not both.
机译:颅内动脉夹层通常会导致脑梗塞或蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)。在一个临床病例中很少见到这两种并发症。病例报告和文献回顾。一名48岁妇女因解剖了左上肌ICA而左中脑梗死。 5天后她从缺血性中风中恢复过来时,患了SAH。 SAH是由解剖性假性动脉瘤破裂引起的,这种假性动脉瘤仅在重复进行导管血管造影时才变得明显。解剖性假性动脉瘤采用线圈闭塞治疗。颅内ICA夹层通常伴有缺血性或出血性表现。我们报告了一个不寻常的病例,该患者在解剖引起的缺血性中风后几天遭受SAH感染。这种情况与长期存在的教条相矛盾,即颅内解剖可呈现缺血性或出血性表现,但不能两者兼有。



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