首页> 外文期刊>Biological Journal of the Linnean Society >16S mitochondrial sequences associate morphologically dissimilar males and females of the family Phoridae (Diptera)

16S mitochondrial sequences associate morphologically dissimilar males and females of the family Phoridae (Diptera)


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The genus Phora (Diptera, Phoridae) includes more than 50 species widely distributed in temperate regions of Eurasia and Africa. Taxonomic identification of most species is based upon the morphology of the male hypopygium: hence for many species, including the type species of the genus, females are unknown. We used mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA sequences to match males with previously unidentified females from Phora atra, P. stictica, and P. holosericea. We then identified morphological characters that allow identification of females of P atra and R stictica without recourse to DNA sequencing. Our results show that small scale sequencing can aid in the development of taxonomic characters for use in the field to identify previously cryptic females. This iterative method of identifying populations genetically followed by re-examination of morphology should allow development of better keys for rapid identification of heretofore cryptic populations of insects. We also found that sequences from individual of P. holosericea from Cambridge, England and Malakhovka, Russia, were more similar to each other than to sequences from a conspecific fly also collected in Cambridge. This result suggests that there is previously unsuspected population structuring in this species.
机译:Phora属(Diptera,Phoridae)包括50多个物种,广泛分布于欧亚大陆和非洲的温带地区。大多数物种的分类学鉴定是基于雄性次pypypyium的形态:因此,对于许多物种,包括该属的类型物种,雌性是未知的。我们使用线粒体16S核糖体RNA序列将雄性与Phora atra,P。stictica和P. holosericea中以前未鉴定的雌性相匹配。然后,我们确定了形态特征,无需借助DNA测序即可鉴定P atra和R stictica的雌性。我们的结果表明,小规模测序可以帮助开发分类学特征,以用于现场鉴定以前隐秘的雌性。这种从遗传上鉴定种群并随后重新检查形态的迭代方法,应能为快速鉴定迄今为止的昆虫隐性种群提供更好的关键。我们还发现,来自英格兰剑桥和俄罗斯Malakhovka的P. holosericea个体的序列彼此之间的相似性更高,而与来自剑桥的同种蝇的序列更为相似。该结果表明该物种先前存在未曾预料到的种群结构。



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