首页> 外文期刊>Neurotoxicology and teratology >Administration of D,L-fenfluramine to rats produces learning deficits in the Cincinnati water maze but not the Morris water maze: relationship to adrenal cortical output.

Administration of D,L-fenfluramine to rats produces learning deficits in the Cincinnati water maze but not the Morris water maze: relationship to adrenal cortical output.


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Fenfluramine (FEN) is an amphetamine derivative with anorectic properties similar to amphetamine, but without the stimulatory or abuse potential. Administration of FEN produces an immediate release of serotonin as well as inhibits reuptake; ultimately FEN produces a decrease in serotonin stores in the central nervous system. We have previously shown that the administration of FEN to rats results in increased adrenal cortical hormones under resting conditions, without simultaneous elevations in adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). We hypothesized that the adrenal output would be altered following stress and that the altered adrenal output would affect learning and memory, since the adrenal hormones influence learning and memory capability. In this series of experiments, we administered D,L-FEN (15 mg/kg) four times every 2 h on a single day to rats and investigated the effect on hormonal output following forced swim and the effect on sequential learning in the Cincinnati water maze and spatial learning in the Morris maze beginning 3 days after FEN administration. Animals that received FEN had increased corticosterone and aldosterone titers following forced swim relative to control animals, although no differences in ACTH or testosterone were noted. Animals exposed to FEN had lasting deficits in the Cincinnati water maze but not in the Morris water maze, regardless of testing order. These deficits in the Cincinnati water maze appear to be mediated by the elevation in adrenal output since adrenalectomy abolished the effect of FEN. Corticosterone levels were shown to be elevated during the behavioral testing period in animals exposed to FEN.
机译:芬氟拉明(FEN)是一种苯丙胺衍生物,具有类似于苯丙胺的厌食特性,但没有刺激或滥用的可能。服用FEN可立即释放5-羟色胺,并抑制再摄取。最终,FEN导致中枢神经系统中5-羟色胺储备的减少。先前我们已经表明,在静止状态下,对大鼠施用FEN会导致肾上腺皮质激素增加,而同时肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)却没有同时升高。我们假设压力后肾上腺输出会改变,而肾上腺输出改变会影响学习和记忆,因为肾上腺激素会影响学习和记忆能力。在这一系列实验中,我们在一天中每2h两次向大鼠施用D,L-FEN(15 mg / kg)四次,并研究了强迫游泳后对激素输出的影响以及对辛辛那提水中序贯学习的影响FEN管理3天后开始在莫里斯迷宫中进行迷宫和空间学习。相对于对照动物,强制游泳后接受FEN的动物皮质醇和醛固酮滴度增加,尽管未观察到ACTH或睾丸激素的差异。无论测试顺序如何,暴露于FEN的动物在辛辛那提水迷宫中的持久缺乏能力,而在莫里斯水迷宫中的能力持续不足。由于肾上腺切除术消除了FEN的作用,辛辛那提水迷宫中的这些缺陷似乎是由肾上腺输出的升高所介导的。在行为测试期间,暴露于FEN的动物中皮质酮水平升高。



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