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I attended the ILAC Laboratory Committee meeting in Madrid in May and the ILAC Executive meetings in Helsinki in June. The issue of ISO 9001 registrars not requiring the use of accredited calibration laboratories for establishing traceability was discussed by the LC. This has been a problem for some time and the issue will be taken to the International Accreditation Forum (1AF) via the 1LAC/IAF Joint Committee for Closer Cooperation (JCCC). (Since the Madrid meeting, the issue was presented to IAF in Helsinki at the JCCC and they will look into the problem with their accredited certification bodies). The revision of Q21 "Cross Frontier Accreditation - Principles for Avoiding Duplication"' was discussed in the LC. This ongoing debate in ILAC is of concern to the laboratory community, as there are those, particularly in Europe, who would remove any competition whatsoever between accrediting bodies and leave laboratories with no choice for the services they need. As reported before, the current G21, which is meant to only provide guidance, discourages cross border activities but cannot prevent them. If a laboratory requests accreditation services outside its national borders, the external AB, if it knows there is an internal AB within the requestor's economy, is required to point this out and if they do carry out the work invites the internal AB to join them on the assessment.
机译:我参加了5月在马德里举行的ILAC实验室委员会会议和6月在赫尔辛基举行的ILAC执行会议。 LC讨论了不需要使用认可的校准实验室来建立可追溯性的ISO 9001注册服务商的问题。这已经有一段时间了,该问题将通过1LAC / IAF紧密合作联合委员会(JCCC)提交给国际认证论坛(1AF)。 (自马德里会议以来,该问题已在JCCC的赫尔辛基向IAF提出,他们将与认可的认证机构一起研究该问题)。 LC中讨论了对Q21“跨边界认证-避免重复的原则”的修订。 ILAC正在进行的这场辩论引起了实验室界的关注,因为有些人,尤其是在欧洲,将消除认证机构之间的任何竞争,并使实验室无法选择所需的服务。如先前所报道,当前的G21仅提供指导,不鼓励跨境活动,但不能阻止跨境活动。如果实验室要求在其国界之外进行认证服务,则外部AB如果知道请求者的经济体内有内部AB,则必须指出这一点,并且如果他们确实在开展工作,则邀请内部AB加入他们的行列。评估。



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