首页> 外文期刊>Neotropical Entomology >Alternative Food Sources and Overwintering Feeding Behavior of the Boll Weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) under the Tropical Conditions of Central Brazil

Alternative Food Sources and Overwintering Feeding Behavior of the Boll Weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) under the Tropical Conditions of Central Brazil

机译:巴西中部热带条件下铃象鼻虫Anthonomus grandis Boheman(鞘翅目:Curculionidae)的替代食物来源和越冬摄食行为

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The boll weevil causes serious damage to the cotton crop in South America. Several studies have been published on this pest, but its phenology and behavior under the tropical conditions prevailing in Brazil are not well-known, hi this study the feeding behavior and main food sources of adult boll weevils throughout the year in Central Brazil was investigated. The digestive tract contents of insects captured in pheromone traps in two cotton fields and two areas of native vegetation (gallery forest andcerrado sensu stricto) were analyzed. The insect was captured all through the year only in the cerrado. It fed on pollen of 19 different plant families, on Pteridophyta and fungi spores and algae cysts. Simpson Index test showed that the cerrado provided greater diversity of pollen sources. In the beginning of the cotton cycle, the plant families used for pollen feeding were varied: in cotton area 1, the weevil fed on Poaceae (50%), Malvaceae and Smilacaceae (25% each); in cotton area 2 the pollen sources were Malvaceae (50%), Asteraceae (25%) and Fabaceae and Clusiaceae (25% each); in the cerrado they were Chenopodiaceae (67%) and Scheuchzeriaceae (33%). No weevils were collected in the gallery forest in this period. After cotton was harvested, the family Smilacaceae was predominant among the food plants exploited in all the study areas. These results help to explain the survivorship of adult boll weevil during cotton fallow season in Central Brazil and they are discussed in the context of behavioral adaptations to the prevailing tropical environmental conditions.
机译:铃象鼻虫对南美的棉花作物造成严重损害。关于这种害虫的一些研究已经发表,但是在巴西流行的热带条件下其物候和行为尚不为人所知。在这项研究中,调查了巴西中部全年成年bo的摄食行为和主要食物来源。分析了在两个棉田和两个自然植被区(信息库森林和cerrado sensu stricto)的信息素陷阱中捕获的昆虫的消化道含量。整年只在塞拉多捕获了这种昆虫。它以蕨类植物,真菌孢子和藻类囊肿为食,取食19种不同植物科的花粉。辛普森指数测试表明,塞拉多提供了更大的花粉来源多样性。在棉花周期开始时,用于花粉喂养的植物科有所不同:在棉花第1区,象鼻虫以禾本科(50%),锦葵科和S科(各占25%)为食;在棉区2中,花粉的来源是锦葵科(50%),菊科(25%)以及豆科和伞形科(各占25%);在塞拉多,它们是藜科(67%)和Scheuchzeriaceae(33%)。在此期间,画廊森林中没有收集到任何象鼻虫。在收获棉花之后,在所有研究区域开发的食用植物中,S科是主要的。这些结果有助于解释成年棉铃象鼻虫在巴西中部棉花休耕季节的生存情况,并在适应当前热带环境条件的行为适应性背景下进行讨论。



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