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Neurodegenerative disease: miR-34b-a novel plasma marker for Huntington disease?


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New research suggests that plasma levels of a microRNA (miRNA) molecule, miR-34b, could be a useful biomarker of disease progression in patients with Huntington disease (HD)-even before the onset of clinical symptoms. "To our knowledge, this is the first identification of an miRNA associated with the preclinical manifestation of HD that is detectable outside of the nervous system," asserts Maria Bjorkqvist, the study's corresponding author.The researchers initially used a neuronal-cell-based assay to identify two miRNAs that showed upregulated expression in the presence of mutant huntingtin protein. The mutant protein causes manifestations of HD through its ability to modulate gene transcription and translation.After confirming the stability of the two miRNAs to repeated freeze-thaw cycles, the team measured levels of the miRNAs in stored frozen plasma samples from 27 patients with HD (either with or without clinical symptoms) and 12 age-matched controls.
机译:新研究表明,即使在出现临床症状之前,microRNA(miRNA)分子miR-34b的血浆水平也可能是亨廷顿病(HD)患者疾病进展的有用生物标志物。该研究的通讯作者Maria Bjorkqvist断言:“据我们所知,这是首次发现与神经系统外可检测到的HD的临床前表现有关的miRNA。”研究人员最初使用基于神经元细胞的检测方法。以鉴定在突变亨廷顿蛋白存在下表达上调的两个miRNA。该突变蛋白通过调节基因转录和翻译的能力而导致HD的表现。在确认了两个miRNA对反复冻融循环的稳定性后,该团队测量了来自27位HD患者的冷冻血浆样品中的miRNA水平( (有无临床症状)和12个年龄匹配的对照组。



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