首页> 外文期刊>Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation: official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association >An overview of morbidity and mortality in patients with acute renal failure due to crush syndrome: the Marmara earthquake experience.

An overview of morbidity and mortality in patients with acute renal failure due to crush syndrome: the Marmara earthquake experience.


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BACKGROUND: On August 17, 1999 a major earthquake hit the most densely populated area at the eastern end of the Marmara Sea in northwestern Turkey. The number of documented cases of acute renal failure (ARF) following this event exceeded all similar cases previously reported for any single earthquake. The aim of this report was to provide an overview of the morbidity and mortality of all documented patients with ARF, due to crush injury, that were treated in hospitals with dialysis units following the Marmara earthquake. METHODS: Special questionnaires were sent out to all hospitals with dialysis units known to have admitted earthquake victims with ARF and related crush injuries. Responses to questionnaires from the Turkish Society of Nephrology (TSN) Task Force were collected from 35 hospitals in October 1999. We retrospectively evaluated patients, clinic and laboratory findings, surgical interventions, and frequency and duration of dialysis. Patients who died before or on admission and those with prior chronic renal disease were excluded from the study. RESULTS: A total of 639 patients (291 female and 348 male) with ARF due to crush injury were hospitalized in 35 hospitals. The mean age was 31.6+/-14.7 years and 71.1% were young adults within the range of 16-45 years. 477 patients (74.6%) received one or more dialysis treatments, 162 patients were not dialysed, 15 patients died before dialysis could be instituted, and 147 patients recovered without dialysis treatment. 340 patients were oliguric on admission. The most important abnormalities related to ARF as a result of crush injury morbidity, were oliguria (53.2%), uraemia (94%), high creatinine levels (87%), hyperkalaemia (42%), hyperphosphataemia (63%), hypocalcaemia (83%), and high creatinine phosphokinase levels (73 %). 512 patients had a total of 790 extremity injuries. Eighty-three patients (12.9%) had fractures of the extremities and non-extremity fractures were observed in 59 (9.2%) patients. 323 fasciotomies were performed. Thoracic and abdominal trauma was observed in 110 patients (17.2%). Infection and sepsis were observed in 223 (34.9%) and 121 (18.9%) patients, respectively. Haematologic abnormalities were observed in 197 patients (33%) including 116 with Htc < or =30%. There were pulmonary problems in 96 patients (15%), cardiovascular problems in 198 patients (30.9%), gastrointestinal problems in 23 (3.16%), neurologic problems in 43 (6.7%), and psychiatric problems in 7 (1%) patients. Ninety-seven of the 639 patients with ARF as a result of crush injury died (15.2%), and mortality rates were 17.2 and 9.3% in dialysed and non-dialysed patients, respectively. Findings significantly associated with mortality were sepsis, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and abdominal and thoracic traumas. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that in cases of severe disasters such as major earthquakes, patients should be rapidly transferred to undamaged peripheral general hospitals. When proper dialysis and intensive care facilities together with around the clock dedicated human effort are available, crush injury-related ARF patients have a lower mortality. Mortality, when it occurs, is mainly associated with thoracic and abdominal trauma and medical problems such as DIC and/or ARDS/respiratory failure, often in conjunction with sepsis.
机译:背景:1999年8月17日,大地震袭击了土耳其西北部马尔马拉海东端的人口最稠密地区。此事件后记录的急性肾衰竭(ARF)病例数超过了以前针对任何一次地震报告的所有类似病例。本报告的目的是概述在马尔马拉地震后在透析室医院接受过治疗的所有因挤压伤而导致的ARF患者的发病率和死亡率。方法:向所有设有透析室的医院发送了专门的调查表,这些医院已知已接纳患有ARF和相关挤压伤的地震受害者。土耳其肾脏病学会(TSN)工作队在1999年10月收集了对问卷的答复。我们回顾性评估了患者,临床和实验室检查结果,手术干预以及透析的频率和持续时间。该研究排除了入院前或入院时死亡的患者以及先前患有慢性肾脏疾病的患者。结果:共有639例因挤压伤而导致ARF的患者在35所医院住院。平均年龄为31.6 +/- 14.7岁,年龄在16-45岁之间的年轻人为71.1%。 477例患者(占74.6%)接受了一种或多种透析治疗,没有透析的患者162例,有15例在未进行透析之前就已经死亡,并且有147例未经透析治疗而康复。入院时有340名患者少尿。挤压伤致残率与ARF相关的最重要异常是尿少(53.2%),尿毒症(94%),肌酐水平高(87%),高钾血症(42%),高血磷(63%),低钙血症( 83%)和较高的肌酸酐磷酸激酶水平(73%)。 512例患者共790例肢体受伤。八十三例(12.9%)患了四肢骨折,其中59例(9.2%)患有非四肢骨折。进行了323次筋膜切开术。 110例患者(17.2%)观察到胸腔和腹部创伤。分别在223(34.9%)和121(18.9%)患者中观察到感染和败血症。在197例(33%)患者中观察到血液学异常,其中116例Htc <或= 30%。有肺部疾病96例(15%),心血管疾病198例(30.9%),胃肠道疾病23例(3.16%),神经系统疾病43例(6.7%),精神病7例(1%) 。 639例因挤压伤而死亡的ARF患者中有97例死亡(15.2%),透析患者和非透析患者的死亡率分别为17.2和9.3%。与死亡率显着相关的发现是败血症,血小板减少,弥散性血管内凝血(DIC),急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)以及腹部和胸部创伤。结论:我们得出的结论是,在发生严重灾害(例如大地震)的情况下,应将患者迅速转移到未受损的周边综合医院。当有适当的透析和重症监护设施以及全天候的专人努力时,与挤压伤相关的ARF患者的死亡率会降低。死亡率在发生时,主要与胸部和腹部创伤以及医学问题有关,例如DIC和/或ARDS /呼吸衰竭,通常与败血症有关。


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