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Rett syndrome is caused by mutations in X-linked MECP2, encoding methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (see comments)


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Rett syndrome (RTT, MIM 312750) is a progressive neurodevelopmental disorder and one of the most common causes of mental retardation in females, with an incidence of 1 in 10,000-15,000 (ref. 2). Patients with classic RTT appear to develop normally until 6-18 months of age, then gradually lose speech and purposeful hand use, and develop microcephaly, seizures, autism, ataxia, intermittent hyperventilation and stereotypic hand movements. After initial regression, the condition stabilizes and patients usually survive into adulthood. As RTT occurs almost exclusively in females, it has been proposed that RTT is caused by an X-linked dominant mutation with lethality in hemizygous males. Previous exclusion mapping studies using RTT families mapped the locus to Xq28 (refs 6,9,10,11). Using a systematic gene screening approach, we have identified mutations in the gene (MECP2 ) encoding X-linked methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) as the cause of some cases of RTT. MeCP2 selectively binds CpG dinucleotides in the mammalian genome and mediates transcriptional repression through interaction with histone deacetylase and the corepressor SIN3A (refs 12,13). In 5 of 21 sporadic patients, we found 3 de novo missense mutations in the region encoding the highly conserved methyl-binding domain (MBD) as well as a de novo frameshift and a de novo nonsense mutation, both of which disrupt the transcription repression domain (TRD). In two affected half-sisters of a RTT family, we found segregation of an additional missense mutation not detected in their obligate carrier mother. This suggests that the mother is a germline mosaic for this mutation. Our study reports the first disease-causing mutations in RTT and points to abnormal epigenetic regulation as the mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of RTT.
机译:Rett综合征(RTT,MIM 312750)是一种进行性神经发育障碍,是女性智力低下的最常见原因之一,发病率在10,000-15,000之间(参考文献2)。患有经典RTT的患者直到6-18个月大时似乎都能正常发育,然后逐渐失去言语和有目的的手使用,并发展为小头畸形,癫痫发作,自闭症,共济失调,间歇性过度换气和定型的手部运动。初步消退后,病情稳定,患者通常存活至成年。由于RTT几乎只在女性中发生,因此有人提出RTT是由X连锁显性突变引起,在半合子男性中具有致死性。以前使用RTT家族进行的排他性映射研究将基因座映射到Xq28(参考文献6,9,10,11)。使用系统的基因筛选方法,我们已经确定了编码X链甲基CpG结合蛋白2(MeCP2)的基因(MECP2)中的突变是某些RTT病例的原因。 MeCP2与哺乳动物基因组中的CpG二核苷酸选择性结合,并通过与组蛋白脱乙酰基酶和共加压因子SIN3A的相互作用介导转录抑制(参考文献12,13)。在21名散发患者中的5名中,我们在编码高度保守的甲基结合域(MBD)的区域中发现了3个从头错义突变,以及从头移码和从头无义突变,它们均破坏了转录阻抑域(TRD)。在RTT家族的两个受影响的半姐妹中,我们发现在其专心的携带母亲中未发现其他错义突变的隔离。这表明母亲是该突变的种系镶嵌。我们的研究报告了RTT中第一个致病突变,并指出异常的表观遗传调控是RTT发病机理的基础。



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