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Using Root-Cause Analysis to Find Underlying Causes of Bad Outcomes


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Root-cause analysis, often called RCA, is a way of thinking about how to fix problems. By understanding the concept of finding underlying causes of problems, testing engineers have the technical knowledge and experience to become experts in root-cause analysis. As testing engineers, we often conduct forensic investigations to identify the direct causes of bad electrical events, but I doubt that more than a few of us have been requested to identify the underlying issues that led up to that event. NETA companies can add this skill to their marketing brochures by understanding what RCA is and how it should be conducted. Although several companies offer week-long RCA seminars, I found that engineers can sufficiently understand and apply RCA principles within a few hours by following the seven rather simple steps discussed in this article.
机译:根本原因分析(通常称为RCA)是一种思考如何解决问题的方法。通过了解发现问题根源的概念,测试工程师具备了技术知识和经验,可以成为根本原因分析方面的专家。作为测试工程师,我们经常进行法医调查以确定不良电气事件的直接原因,但是我怀疑,我们中有很多人被要求确定导致该事件的根本原因。 NETA公司可以通过了解RCA是什么以及应该如何进行来将这种技能添加到他们的营销手册中。尽管有几家公司提供为期一周的RCA研讨会,但我发现工程师只需遵循本文讨论的七个非常简单的步骤,就可以在几个小时内充分理解并应用RCA原理。



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