首页> 外文期刊>Nano letters >Resolving Parity and Order of Fabry-Perot Modes in Semiconductor Nanostructure Waveguides and Lasers: Young's Interference Experiment Revisited

Resolving Parity and Order of Fabry-Perot Modes in Semiconductor Nanostructure Waveguides and Lasers: Young's Interference Experiment Revisited


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Semiconductor nanostructures such as nanowires and nanoribbons functioning as Fabry-Perot (F-P)-type optical cavities and nanolasers have attracted great interest not only for their potential use in nanophotonic systems but also to understand the physics of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. Due to their nanoscale dimensions, new techniques need to be continuously developed to characterize the nature of highly confined optical modes. Furthermore, the inadequacy of typical far-field photoluminescence experiments for characterizing the nanoscale cavity modes such as parity and order has precluded efforts to obtain precise information that is required to fully understand these cavities. Here, we utilize a modified Young's interference method based on angle-resolved microphotoluminescence spectral technique to directly reveal the parity of F-P cavity modes in CdS nanostructures functioning as waveguides and nanolasers. From these analyses, the mode order can be straightforwardly obtained with the help of numerical simulations. Moreover, we show that the Young's technique is a general technique applicable to any F-P type cavities in nanoribbons, nanowires, or other photonic and plasmonic nanostructures.



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