首页> 外文期刊>Cancer: A Journal of the American Cancer Society >End-of-life care for older cancer patients in the Veterans Health Administration versus the private sector.

End-of-life care for older cancer patients in the Veterans Health Administration versus the private sector.

机译:退伍军人卫生管理局(Veterans Health Administration)与私营部门相比,老年癌症患者的生命终期护理。

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BACKGROUND: Treatment of older cancer patients at the end of life has become increasingly aggressive, despite the absence of evidence for better outcomes. We compared aggressiveness of end-of-life care of older metastatic cancer patients treated in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and those under fee-for-service Medicare arrangements. METHODS: Using propensity score methods, we matched 2913 male veterans who were diagnosed with stage IV lung or colorectal cancer in 2001-2002 and died before 2006 with 2913 similar men enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare living in Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Result (SEER) areas. We assessed chemotherapy within 14 days of death, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions within 30 days of death, and >1 emergency room visit within 30 days of death. RESULTS: Among matched cohorts, men treated in the VHA were less likely than men in the private sector to receive chemotherapy within 14 days of death (4.6% vs 7.5%, P<.001), be admitted to an ICU within 30 days of death (12.5% vs 19.7%, P<.001), or have >1 emergency room visit within 30 days of death (13.1 vs 14.7, P=.09). CONCLUSIONS: Older men with metastatic lung or colorectal cancer treated in the VHA healthcare system received less aggressive end-of-life care than similar men in fee-for-service Medicare. This may result from the absence of financial incentives for more intensive care in the VHA or because this integrated delivery system is better structured to limit potentially overly aggressive care. Additional studies are needed to assess whether men undergoing less aggressive end-of-life care also experience better outcomes.
机译:背景:尽管缺乏更好的治疗结果证据,但生命晚期癌症患者的治疗已变得越来越积极。我们比较了退伍军人卫生管理局(VHA)和按服务付费医疗保险安排治疗的老年转移性癌症患者的临终护理的积极性。方法:使用倾向评分法,我们对在2001-2002年被诊断患有IV期肺癌或大肠癌并在2006年之前死亡的2913名男性退伍军人进行了配对,其中2913名相似的男性参加了有偿医疗,生活在监测,流行病学和健康保险中。结果(SEER)区域。我们评估了死亡后14天内的化学疗法,死亡后30天内的重症监护病房(ICU)入院,以及死亡后30天内> 1次急诊室就诊。结果:在配对队列中,接受VHA治疗的男性在死亡后14天之内接受化疗的可能性低于私营部门中的男性(4.6%对7.5%,P <.001),在入院后30天内接受ICU死亡(12.5%比19.7%,P <.001),或在死亡30天之内进行了1次以上的急诊就诊(13.1比14.7,P = .09)。结论:在VHA医疗保健系统中治疗的患有转移性肺癌或结直肠癌的老年男性比有偿医疗保险中的类似男性少接受积极的生命周期终极护理。这可能是由于在VHA中缺乏针对重症监护的经济激励措施,或者是因为该综合交付系统的结构更好地限制了可能过度积极的护理。还需要进行其他研究,以评估接受较少积极性的临终护理的男性是否也能获得更好的结果。



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