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Israel and Kazakhstan: on the Way to Innovative Economies


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I guess it is necessary to look first of all at statistical data. In 2006, the bilateral trade volume valued 697.7million dollars. Exports from Kazakhstan to Israel valued 622.4million dollars and imports from Israel to Kazakhstan valued 76.2million dollars. Kazakhstan has been an exporter of oil, wheat and cotton and an importer of equipment, agricultural and plastic-wear. Based on the results of the first quarter, a minimum 30 percent growth of the bilateral trade turnover can be expected this year. The establishment of a regular air service from Almaty to Tel Aviv after a 6 yearlong break was a major economic event. The activities of the ministries of transport in both states played an important role in this. Additionally, the agreement on cancellation of double taxation and the space cooperation agreement are currently under consideration. These agreements are expected to be signed during the next meeting of the Joint Kazakhstan-Israeli Commission; the sides will also renew the general intergovernmental agreement on trade and economic cooperation. All these factors will impart a new impetus to economic relations between Israel and Kazakhstan.
机译:我认为有必要首先查看统计数据。 2006年,双边贸易额为6.977亿美元。哈萨克斯坦对以色列的出口额为6.224亿美元,以色列对哈萨克斯坦的进口额为7620万美元。哈萨克斯坦一直是石油,小麦和棉花的出口国,也是农业,塑料和服装设备的进口国。根据第一季度的结果,预计今年双边贸易额至少会增长30%。长达6年的休息后,建立了从阿拉木图到特拉维夫的定期航空服务,这是一个重大的经济事件。两国交通运输部的活动在其中发挥了重要作用。此外,目前正在考虑取消双重征税协定和空间合作协定。预计这些协议将在哈萨克斯坦-以色列联合委员会下次会议上签署;双方还将续签政府间贸易和经济合作总协定。所有这些因素将为以色列和哈萨克斯坦之间的经济关系带来新的动力。



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