首页> 外文期刊>Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte >Der ?konom als 'engineer in the design sense' - modellierungspraxis und professionelles selbstverst?ndnis in Robert Solows 'contribution to the theory of economic growth'

Der ?konom als 'engineer in the design sense' - modellierungspraxis und professionelles selbstverst?ndnis in Robert Solows 'contribution to the theory of economic growth'

机译:作为“设计意义上的工程师”的经济学家-罗伯特·索洛(Robert Solow)“对经济增长理论的贡献”中的建模实践和专业自我理解

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The Economist as "Engineer in the Design Sense" - Modeling Practices and Professional Identity in Robert Solow's "Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth". Robert Solow's retrospective description of his way of modeling as "engineering in the design sense" will be used to investigate the modeling practices that led to his 1956 "simple growth model" and involved the image of the economist as a craftsman and a technical expert. Constructing and manipulating a simple, transparent and tractable model served as a field of expertise and legitimized the scientific authority of the modeler-economist.
机译:作为“设计意义上的工程师”的经济学家-罗伯特·索洛(Robert Solow)的“对经济增长理论的贡献”中的建模实践和职业认同。罗伯特·索洛(Robert Solow)对他的建模方式的回顾性描述为“设计意义上的工程”,将用于研究导致他1956年“简单增长模型”的建模实践,并涉及经济学家作为手工艺人和技术专家的形象。构建和操纵一个简单,透明和易于处理的模型是专业领域,并使建模经济学家的科学权威合法化。



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