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Sperm investment and alternative mating tactics in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus)

机译:蓝blue翻车鱼(Lepomis macrochirus)的精子投资和替代交配策略

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Although alternative mating tactics are found in males of many species, little is known about tactic-specific adaptations to sperm competition and the mechanism by which fertilization success is obtained. We now report on the sperm investment patterns of males that use alternative mating tactics in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Bluegill males are characterized by three alternative mating tactics: parentals, sneakers, and satellites. Parentals delay maturation and adopt a courting and guarding tactic, whereas sneakers and satellites mature precociously and, respectively, use sneaking and female mimicry to steal fertilizations from parentals. We found differences among the tactics in testes weight, sperm longevity, and ejaculate sperm density and competitiveness. Parentals had the largest testes, but the smallest relative to their body weight. Satellites had intermediate-sized testes, and sneakers had the smallest testes, but the largest relative to their body weight. Within each tactic, there was a positive relationship between testes weight and body weight, but the exact relationship differed among the tactics and could not be attributed solely to allometry. Parentals had longer-lived sperm compared with that of both sneakers and satellites. Ejaculate sperm density was greatest in sneakers, satellites were intermediate, and parentals had the lowest. Competition experiments involving equal volumes of ejaculate showed that fertilization success increased linearly with sperm number, consistent with a rafflelike process. However, independent of sperm number, parental sperm were superior at fertilizing eggs. We interpret these sperm investment patterns in relation to differences in sperm competition risk, number of mating opportunities, and alternative investment options.
机译:尽管在许多物种的雄性中都发现了其他的交配策略,但对于精子竞争的特定策略适应以及获得受精成功的机制知之甚少。现在我们报告雄性在大blue翻车鱼(Lepomis macrochirus)中使用替代交配策略的精子投资模式。 g鹭雄性的特征在于三种交配策略:父母亲,运动鞋和人造卫星。父母推迟了成熟期,采取了求爱和守卫的策略,而运动鞋和人造卫星则早熟,并分别通过偷偷摸摸和女性模仿来窃取父母的受精。我们发现睾丸重量,精子寿命和射精精子密度和竞争力的策略之间存在差异。父母的睾丸最大,但相对于他们的体重最小。人造卫星的睾丸大小适中,运动鞋的睾丸最小,但相对于体重而言最大。在每种策略中,睾丸重量与体重之间存在正相关关系,但是确切的关系因策略而异,不能仅归因于异速测量法。与运动鞋和人造卫星相比,父母的精子寿命更长。运动鞋中射精的精子密度最大,人造卫星的中等,而父母的最低。包括等量射精的竞争实验表明,受精成功率随着精子数量的增加而线性增加,这与抽奖状过程一致。但是,与精子数量无关,父母精子在受精卵方面表现优异。我们根据精子竞争风险,交配机会和替代投资选择的差异来解释这些精子投资模式。



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