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Monogamy when there is potential for polygyny: tests of multiple hypotheses in a group-living fish


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Monogamy within social groups where there exists a high potential for polygyny poses a challenge to our understanding of mating system evolution. Specifically, the traditional explanation that monogamy evolves due to wide female dispersion, affordingmales little opportunity to defend multiple females, cannot apply. Instead, monogamy in groups potentially arises because females compete for breeding resources such as breeding sites, food, and paternal care. We conducted manipulative experiments to determine whether females compete over limiting resources within groups of the obligate coral-dwelling goby, Paragobiodon xanthosomus (Gobiidae). Breeding females behaved aggressively toward individuals of their own sex and evicted subordinate females thatwere large and mature from the group. Experimental removal of nest sites caused breeding partners to breed in alternative nest sites, demonstrating that nest site limitation was not the cause of female competition. Supplemental feeding resulted in an increase in the fecundity of breeding females but no maturation of subordinate females, demonstrating that food-limited female fecundity was a likely cause of female competition. Finally, supplemental feeding of breeding pairs demonstrated that the difference in eggs hatched by fed versus unfed males was less than the difference in eggs laid by fed versus unfed females, suggesting that paternal care limitation might also drive female competition. These results suggest that competition over food and possibly paternal care selects for dominant, breeding females to suppress the maturation of subordinate females to minimize competition. Monogamy in association with group living is therefore likely to have evolved because female competition prevents males fromutilizing the potential for polygyny.
机译:一夫多妻制潜力很大的社会群体中的一夫一妻制对我们对交配系统进化的理解提出了挑战。具体地说,一夫一妻制是由于女性广泛分散而演变而来的,这使得男性很少有机会捍卫多名女性的传统解释不能适用。相反,群体中的一夫一妻制可能会出现,因为雌性竞争争夺育种资源,例如繁殖地点,食物和父辈照顾。我们进行了操纵性实验,以确定雌性是否在限定珊瑚的虾虎鱼Paragobiodon xanthosomus(Gobiidae)组内争夺有限资源。繁殖雌性对同性个体表现出攻击性,并驱逐了大而成熟的下属雌性。对巢穴进行实验性移除导致育种伙伴在其他巢穴中繁殖,这表明巢穴限制并不是雌性竞争的原因。补充喂养导致育种雌性的繁殖力增加,但下属雌性没有成熟,表明食物有限的雌性繁殖力可能是雌性竞争的原因。最后,补充育种对的结果表明,饲喂和不饲喂的雄性孵化的卵的差异小于饲喂和不饲喂的雌性孵化的卵的差异,这表明父子护理的限制也可能推动雌性竞争。这些结果表明,对食物和父权照顾的竞争选择了占优势的育种雌性,以抑制下属雌性的成熟,从而将竞争减至最小。因此,一夫一妻制与团体生活有关的进化很可能是因为女性竞争阻止了男性利用一夫多妻制的潜力。



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