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Erschopfte Literatur. Uber das Neue bei Samuel Beckett

机译:精疲力竭的文学作品。关于塞缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett)的新作品

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Summary: Exhausted Literature. The Emergence of the New in SamuelBeckett's Novels and Plays. The article investigates literary subjectivity in sometexts by Samuel Beckett. The article proceeds by relating the ways of how narrationand speech acts constitute literary subjectivity to the problems of subjectivity thatscientific investigations deal with. While successful self-regulation of the organismnourishes the roots of subjectivity, i. e. the habits, subjectivity decomposes in statesof exhaustion, when self-regulation breaks down. As soon as a certain threshold istransgressed, fatigue sets in, alters the personality and eventually leads to exhaustion– a state, which psychiatrists compare to mental illness. Notwithstanding the diffe-rent explanations given, scientists agreed about the effects of exhaustion. Accordingto their investigations, the decomposition of personality by exhaustion generallydoes not involve apathy, withdrawal from activity or termination of movements,but rather mere action. Similarly, in Beckett's novels and plays exhaustion is muchmore than tiredness, as French philosopher Gilles Deleuze observed. For Beckett,exhaustion is rather the model for both literary innovation and a new concept ofsubjectivity, which he explores on the basis of a detailed knowledge of physiology,psychology, and psychiatry, but using his own literary means. The exhausted subjectis beyond any calculus of activity. It will perform an activity even if he or she makesmistakes or loses control, and will thus act in an unpredictable way. This unpre-dictable action is not an exception in the continuation of the habits, but ratherpoints to the moment when a new subjectivity emerges. Such new subjectivity sur-faces in Beckett's novels and plays in forms of literary innovation.
机译:摘要:精疲力竭的文学。塞缪尔·贝克特小说和戏剧中新事物的出现。这篇文章以塞缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett)的某些文本研究了文学主体性。本文将叙述和言语行为如何构成文学主观性的方式与科学调查所处理的主观性问题联系起来。成功的有机体自我调节滋养了主观性的根源,即e。习惯,主观会在精疲力尽的状态下分解,而自我调节就会崩溃。一旦超过某个阈值,疲劳就会开始,改变人格,并最终导致精疲力竭—一种精神病医生将其比作精神疾病的状态。尽管给出了不同的解释,但科学家们一致认为精疲力尽。根据他们的调查,力竭导致的人格分解通常不涉及冷漠,退出活动或终止运动,而仅涉及行动。同样,正如法国哲学家吉勒·德勒兹(Gilles Deleuze)观察到的那样,贝克特的小说和戏剧中的疲惫不仅仅在于疲倦。对于贝克特而言,精疲力尽是文学创新和新的主体性概念的模型,他在生理学,心理学和精神病学的详细知识的基础上,使用自己的文学手段对其进行探索。精疲力竭的主题超出了任何活动的范围。即使他或她犯了错误或失去控制,它也将执行一项活动,因此将以一种不可预测的方式行事。这种不可预知的行动在习惯的延续中也不例外,而是指向新的主观性出现的时刻。贝克特的小说和戏剧以文学创新的形式出现了这种新的主观性。



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