首页> 外文期刊>Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte >From Spermatic Animalcules to Sperm Cells: The Reconceptualization of Generation in the 19(th) Century.

From Spermatic Animalcules to Sperm Cells: The Reconceptualization of Generation in the 19(th) Century.


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From Spermatic Animalcules to Sperm Cells: The Reconceptualization of Generation in the 19(th) Century. At the end of the 18(th) and still at the beginning of the 19(th) century most naturalists considered spermatic animalcules to be parasites of the seminal fluid that played no role in procreation. This view was progressively questioned by 19(th) century physiologists. They gradually redefined the spermatic animals as (cellular) products of the male organism, as agents of fertilization and bearers of the male heredity material. This article discusses this change from two different perspectives: on a microhistorical level, it analyzes the experimental research of the naturalist Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799) and of the physiologist Albert Kolliker (1817-1905) in order to show how spermatozoa were turned into a new epistemic object of biology - the sperm cell. Further, it asks how the role of the reconceptualization of spermatic animalcules affected the long-term transformations that gave rise of our modern understanding of heredity, generation and the sexed body. B combining these two perspectives, the article aims to connect historiographies that are often kept separate: the macrohistorical narratives about gender and the body in the modern age and the microhistorical studies of biomedical practices and objects.
机译:从精子动物到精子细胞:19世纪世代的重新概念化。在18世纪末和19世纪初,大多数自然学家认为精子动物是精液的寄生虫,在繁殖中没有作用。这种观点逐渐受到19世纪生理学家的质疑。他们逐渐将精子动物重新定义为雄性生物的(细胞)产物,作为受精的媒介和雄性遗传物质的载体。本文从两个不同的角度讨论了这一变化:在微观历史水平上,它分析了博物学家Lazzaro Spallanzani(1729-1799)和生理学家Albert Kolliker(1817-1905)的实验研究,以证明精子是如何变成精子的。生物学的新认识对象-精细胞。此外,它询问精子动物重新概念化的作用如何影响长期的转变,这些转变使我们对遗传,世代和有性身体有了现代的理解。通过将这两种观点结合起来,本文旨在联系通常相互独立的史学:有关现代性别和身体的宏观历史叙述以及对生物医学实践和对象的微观历史研究。



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