首页> 外文期刊>Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte >The Pure Being of Writing. Ecriture automatique in 19th Century Psychiatry and Early Surrealism (Breton/Soupault: Les champs magnetiques)

The Pure Being of Writing. Ecriture automatique in 19th Century Psychiatry and Early Surrealism (Breton/Soupault: Les champs magnetiques)

机译:写作的纯粹存在。 19世纪精神病学和早期超现实主义中的批判自动提倡(Breton / Soupault:Les champs磁贴)

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'Ecriture automatique' and psychoanalysis are often lumped together in literary studies, almost as a knee-jerk reaction. However, on closer inspection it can be seen that the discoverers of automatic writing - the surrealists - were more interested in the hysteria research that prevailed around the year 1900 (Pierre Janet, Alfred Binet) and in parapsychology (Frederic Myers). In these two branches of medicine, the theory and practice of automatic writing are based on an experimental constellation in which the relationship between the psychiatrist/experiment organiser and the patient/participant takes centre stage. Here, the latter writes in response to an order or question from the former, mostly while overcoming a physical or memory block. Andre Breton and Philippe Soupault set up a very similar constellation in the Champs magnetiques, though with some key alterations. Indeed, surrealism liberates the patient engaging in automatic writing from the dictates of the psychiatrist but only to submit him to a yet more overwhelming force, a pure violence of writing, so to speak: the automatism of a 'higher reality'.
机译:在文学研究中,“自动抄写”和心理分析经常被混为一谈,几乎是一种下意识的反应。但是,仔细观察,可以发现自动写作的发现者(超现实主义者)对1900年左右流行的歇斯底里研究(Pierre Janet,Alfred Binet)和超心理学(Frederic Myers)更感兴趣。在这两个医学分支中,自动书写的理论和实践均基于实验星座,其中精神科医生/实验组织者与患者/参与者之间的关系处于中心地位。在这里,后者主要是在克服物理或存储块的同时响应于来自前者的命令或问题而写的。安德烈·布雷顿(Andre Breton)和菲利普·索珀(Philippe Soupault)在香榭丽舍区的磁石中建立了非常相似的星座,尽管有一些关键的改动。的确,超现实主义使病人从精神病医生的指示中解放出来进行自动写作,但只能使他屈服于一种更为压倒性的力量,一种纯粹的写作暴力,可以这么说:“更高现实”的自动主义。



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