首页> 外文期刊>Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte >Citation, Legitimation, Affirmation. Notations of Medical Experiments on Human Subjects 1750-1840.

Citation, Legitimation, Affirmation. Notations of Medical Experiments on Human Subjects 1750-1840.

机译:引用,合法性,肯定性。 1750-1840年关于人体的医学实验符号。

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Citation, Legitimation, Affirmation. Notations of Medical Experiments on Human Subjects 1750-1840. This paper deals with the problem of representing human subjects in experimental records and focuses the early experimentation on human beings between 1750 and 1840. Unlike the scientific fragmentation of the body since 1840, which coincides with a specific technique of writing down experiments on human subjects by making them disappear behind numbers and charts, a close reading of different experimental records before the 'vivisectional turn' shows the status of the experimental subject as a witness or even as an agreer. Based on the assumption that the individual played a crucial role in representing experimental practices until the middle of the nineteenth century, the paper wants to point out how this was linked to the discursive practice of citation, legitimation, and affirmation.
机译:引用,合法性,肯定性。 1750-1840年关于人体的医学实验符号。本文研究的是在实验记录中代表人类受试者的问题,并将早期实验集中在1750年至1840年之间的人类上。与自1840年以来人体的科学分裂不同,这恰好是一种特殊的技术,即通过使它们消失在数字和图表的后面,在“活体转弯”之前仔细阅读不同的实验记录,即可显示出实验对象作为见证人或同意者的状态。基于直到19世纪中叶个人在代表实验实践中都起着至关重要的作用的假设,本文想指出这是如何与引用,合法化和肯定性的话语实践联系在一起的。



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