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Formt die Technik die Musik? Montage?sthetik zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts

机译:技术会影响音乐吗? 20世纪初的装配美学

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Does technology shape music? Aesthetics of assembly at the beginning of the 20th century. This article deals with the relationship between assembly in production technology and similar processes in musical composition. Can composers like Eric Satie, Igor Strawinsky or George Antheil, who used assembly methods in some of their compositions, be called assemblers? The authors point out that all three composers used assembly methods in different ways and with different purposes. Applying a theoretical approach inspired by media studies they come to the conclusion that the conditions under which musical works using assembly methods are shaped do not originate in technology but in the aesthetic convictions of the composer. Apart from assembly methods there are many other compositional principles the composer relies on. Technology may inspire music but does not determine the musical outcome.
机译:技术会影响音乐吗? 20世纪初的集会美学。本文讨论生产技术中的组装与音乐作品中类似过程之间的关系。像埃里克·萨蒂(Eric Satie),伊戈尔·斯特拉温斯基(Igor Strawinskysky)或乔治·安特尼尔(George Antheil)这样的作曲家,在其某些作品中使用了组装方法,可以称为组装者吗?作者指出,所有三个作曲家都以不同的方式和不同的目的使用组装方法。运用受到媒体研究启发的理论方法,他们得出的结论是,使用组装方法塑造音乐作品的条件并非源于技术,而是源于作曲家的美学信念。除了组装方法外,作曲家还依赖其他许多构图原理。技术可能会激发音乐的灵感,但不能决定音乐的效果。



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