首页> 外文期刊>Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte >Die Konstituierung eines Netzwerkes reaktionorer Physiker in der Weimarer Republik

Die Konstituierung eines Netzwerkes reaktionorer Physiker in der Weimarer Republik


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The Constitution of a Network of Reactionary Physicists during the Republic of Weimar. The dominance of physicists from Berlin in the German Physical Society caused a controversial discussion on the statute initiated by those outside of Berlin in 1914. It could not be finished because of the outbreak of World War I. This antagonism got a political and ideological quality when only the Non-Berliners supported a chauvinistic appeal of German physicists in the so-called Krieg der Geister. After the war this development led to the constitution of a network of reactionary physicists just before the Naturforscherversammlung in Bad Nauheim in 1920. Its members shared a hostile attitude towards the new Republic of Weimar and were mostly chauvinistic and anti-Semitic. Temporarily the network was able to mobilise a considerable part of German physicists for their aims. A decentralisation of the German Physical Society was put through. Considering this network we examine one of the theses of Paul Forman according to which there is a close correlation between political and scientific orientations during that time. We are able to confirm this as far as science policy is concerned. There a bias for a certain kind of research can be found. It becomes more difficult when we investigate the influence of a political attitude on the individual research. We succeed in those cases where the modern theories are involved.
机译:魏玛共和国时期反应物理学家网络的组成。来自柏林的物理学家在德国物理学会中的统治地位引起了关于1914年柏林以外地区发起的法令的有争议的讨论。由于第一次世界大战的爆发而无法完成。这种对抗在政治和意识形态上具有一定的品质。只有非柏林人支持德国物理学家在所谓的Krieg der Geister中提出沙文主义的呼吁。战后,这一发展导致1920年在巴特瑙海姆的自然研究会之前建立了一个反应物理学家网络。其成员对新的魏玛共和国持敌对态度,并且大多是沙文主义和反犹太主义的。该网络暂时能够动员相当一部分德国物理学家实现目标。对德国物理学会进行了权力下放。考虑到这个网络,我们研究了保罗·福尔曼(Paul Forman)的论文之一,根据该论文,这段时期的政治方向与科学方向之间有着密切的联系。就科学政策而言,我们能够确认这一点。对于某种研究存在偏见。当我们调查政治态度对个人研究的影响时,就变得更加困难。在涉及现代理论的情况下,我们会取得成功。



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