首页> 外文期刊>Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte >Kameralismus als paradoxe Konzeption der gleichzeitigen Starkung von Markt und Staat. Komplexe Theorielagen im deutschen 18. Jahrhundert

Kameralismus als paradoxe Konzeption der gleichzeitigen Starkung von Markt und Staat. Komplexe Theorielagen im deutschen 18. Jahrhundert


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Cameralism as the paradox concept of simultaneous strengthening of market and state. Complex theoretical constellations in Eighteenth Century's Germany. Cameralism is an early theory of political economy of the 17th and 18th century in Germany and Austria, defining markets as a mode of political order of the absolutistic state. Men are incomplete actors; the state has to arrange a secure life and well being. But all regulation and order is the basement for individual action and a certain kind of early liberty. To regulate men's actions is to protect them against any arbitrariness of the governor. In the shadow of strong regulation of the economy and the society we see the development of the liberal market society.



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