首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Breeding >F-1 hybrid of cultivated apple (Malus x domestica) and European pear (Pyrus communis) with fertile F-2 offspring

F-1 hybrid of cultivated apple (Malus x domestica) and European pear (Pyrus communis) with fertile F-2 offspring

机译:带有可育F-2后代的栽培苹果(Malus x domestica)和欧洲梨(Pyrus communis)的F-1杂种

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The establishment of intergeneric hybrids for horticultural and agricultural crops is still a demanding task for breeding programmes. The aim of such approaches is to introduce new quality and resistance traits and to enlarge the gene pool. Recently, an F-1 hybrid between Malus x domestica and Pyrus communis became available which arose from a breeding approach undertaken in the late 1980s by the breeder Max Zwintzscher (Cologne-Vogelsang). Unlike previous reports, viable and fertile F-2 plants were obtained from this F-1 hybrid line by author HS, providing a unique perspective not only for genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic studies but also for advanced breeding strategies. Here, we give the first report on the confirmation and characterization of the F-1 hybrid by phenotypic, genetic and biochemical means. The intergeneric hybrid shows an intermediary phenotype of leaves, flowers and fruits, and some disorder of secondary shoot growth. Nuclear DNA content is also intermediary and corresponds to a diploid state. Apple and pear type rDNA as well as SI alleles from each genus were found. At the metabolic level, parallel biosynthesis of the apple dihydrochalcone phloridzin and of arbutin, a p-hydroquinone-glucoside typical for pear, take place leading to considerable concentrations of both in leaves. The overall data allow secure confirmation of the hybrid character and give a first insight into the hybrids genetics and physiology
机译:为园艺和农作物建立种间杂种仍然是育种计划的一项艰巨任务。这种方法的目的是引入新的品质和抗性性状,并扩大基因库。最近,一种由Malus x domestica和Pyrus communis组成的F-1杂交种开始出现,这是由育种家Max Zwintzscher(Cologne-Vogelsang)在1980年代后期采取的育种方法引起的。与以前的报道不同,作者HS从该F-1杂交系中获得了可育的可育F-2植物,不仅为基因组,转录组学和代谢组学研究提供了独特的视角,而且为先进的育种策略提供了独特的视角。在这里,我们通过表型,遗传和生化手段给出有关F-1杂种的确认和表征的第一份报告。属间杂种表现出叶,花和果实的中间表型,以及一些次级芽生长的障碍。核DNA含量也是中间的,对应于二倍体状态。发现了每个属的苹果和梨型rDNA以及SI等位基因。在代谢水平上,苹果二氢查尔酮phloridzin和熊果苷(梨中典型的对苯二酚-葡糖苷)的平行生物合成导致叶片中两者浓度相当高。总体数据可确保杂种特性的安全确认,并对杂种的遗传学和生理学产生初步了解



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