首页> 外文期刊>Mycorrhiza >Effect of controlled inoculation with specific mycorrhizal fungi from the urban environment on growth and physiology of containerized shade tree species growing under different water regimes.

Effect of controlled inoculation with specific mycorrhizal fungi from the urban environment on growth and physiology of containerized shade tree species growing under different water regimes.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of selected mycorrhiza obtained in the urban environment on growth, leaf gas exchange, and drought tolerance of containerized plants growing in the nursery. Two-year-old uniform Acer campestre L., Tilia cordata Mill., and Quercus robur L. were inoculated with a mixture of infected roots and mycelium of selected arbuscular (maple, linden) and/or ectomycorrhiza (linden, oak) fungi and grown in well-watered or water shortage conditions. Plant biomass and leaf area were measured 1 and 2 years after inoculation. Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and water relations were measured during the first and second growing seasons after inoculation. Our data suggest that the mycelium-based inoculum used in this experiment was able to colonize the roots of the tree species growing in the nursery. Plant biomass was affected by water shortage, but not by inoculation. Leaf area was affected by water regime and, in oak and linden, by inoculation. Leaf gas exchange was affected by inoculation and water stress. V(cmax) and J(max) were increased by inoculation and decreased by water shortage in all species. F(v)/F(m) was also generally higher in inoculated plants than in control. Changes in PSII photochemistry and photosynthesis may be related to the capacity of inoculated plants to maintain less negative leaf water potential under drought conditions. The overall data suggest that inoculated plants were better able to maintain physiological activity during water stress in comparison to non-inoculated plants.
机译:这项工作的目的是评估在城市环境中选择的菌根对苗圃中生长的带容器植物的生长,叶片气体交换和耐旱性的影响。对两岁的统一宏A樟树,T虫和Qu栎进行混合,感染的根和选定的丛枝(枫树,菩提树)和/或外生菌根(菩提树,橡木)真菌和生长在水分充足或缺水的条件下。接种1年和2年后测量植物生物量和叶面积。在接种后的第一个和第二个生长季节测量叶片气体交换,叶绿素荧光和水的关系。我们的数据表明,该实验中使用的基于菌丝体的接种物能够在苗圃中生长的树种的根部定植。植物生物量受缺水影响,但不受接种影响。叶面积受水分状况的影响,橡木和树受接种影响。叶片气体交换受接种和水分胁迫的影响。在所有物种中,接种后V(cmax)和J(max)增加,而缺水则减少。接种植物中的F(v)/ F(m)通常也比对照中的高。 PSII光化学和光合作用的变化可能与接种植物在干旱条件下维持负负叶片水势的能力有关。总体数据表明,与未接种植物相比,接种植物在水分胁迫期间能够更好地维持生理活性。



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