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Living His Writings: The Example of Neurologist G. Gilles de la Tourette

机译:活出自己的著作:神经学家G. Gilles de la Tourette的榜样

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Gilles de la Tourette is known for the disease which now bears his name. As one of the closest followers of Jean-Martin Charcot, he always remained faithful to his mentor's views and was one of the most vehement defenders of La Salpetriere. His activities in the management of hysterics and in hypnotism helped build his reputation during his lifetime, but are now largely forgotten. Gilles de la Tourettehad an unusual personality, with hypomanic and histrionic traits. We present some ignored aspects of his life based on the discovery of personal letters which illuminate the hidden side of this famous neurologist.
机译:吉尔斯·德拉图雷特(Gilles de la Tourette)以这种疾病而闻名,现在以他的名字命名。作为让·马丁·夏科特(Jean-Martin Charcot)的最亲密的追随者之一,他始终忠于其导师的观点,并且是拉·萨尔佩特雷(La Salpetriere)最坚定的捍卫者之一。他从事歇斯底里症治疗和催眠术的活动在他的一生中建立了声誉,但如今已被人们遗忘。吉尔斯·德·图雷特(Gilles de la Tourette)具有不寻常的性格,具有躁狂和历史性的特征。基于发现私人信件的发现,我们提出了他生活中一些被忽略的方面,这些信件阐明了这位著名神经病学家的隐藏面。



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