首页> 外文期刊>Morbidity and mortality weekly report >Update: outbreak of acute febrile illness among athletes participating in Eco-Challenge-Sabah 2000--Borneo, Malaysia, 2000.

Update: outbreak of acute febrile illness among athletes participating in Eco-Challenge-Sabah 2000--Borneo, Malaysia, 2000.


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During September 7-11, 2000, CDC was notified by the Idaho Department of Health, the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, and the GeoSentinel Global Surveillance Network of at least 20 cases of acute febrile illness in three countries; all ill patients had participated in the Eco-Challenge-Sabah 2000 multisport expedition race in Borneo, Malaysia, during August 21-September 3, 2000. Participants included athletes from 29 U.S. states and 26 countries. This report updates the ongoing investigation of this outbreak through December 2, which suggests that Leptospira were the cause of illness and that water from the Segama River was the primary source of infection. Participants in adventure sports and exotic tourism should be aware of potential exposure to unusual and emerging infectious agents.
机译:在2000年9月7日至11日期间,爱达荷州卫生部,洛杉矶县卫生服务部和GeoSentinel全球监视网络已向CDC通报了三个国家中至少20例急性高热病病例。 2000年8月21日至9月3日,所有患病患者都参加了在马来西亚婆罗洲举行的Eco-Challenge-Sabah 2000多运动远征比赛。参与者包括来自美国29个州和26个国家的运动员。该报告更新了对直到12月2日爆发的持续调查,这表明钩端螺旋体是疾病的起因,而塞加马河的水是主要的感染源。冒险运动和异国旅游的参与者应意识到可能会接触到异常和新兴的传染源。



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