首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Significance of pre-Quaternary climate change for montane species diversity: Insights from Asian salamanders (Salamandridae: Pachytriton)

Significance of pre-Quaternary climate change for montane species diversity: Insights from Asian salamanders (Salamandridae: Pachytriton)


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Despite extensive focus on the genetic legacy of Pleistocene glaciation, impacts of earlier climatic change on biodiversity are poorly understood. Because amphibians are highly sensitive to variations in precipitation and temperature, we use a genus of Chinese montane salamanders (Salamandridae: Pachytriton) to study paleoclimatic change in East Asia, which experienced intensification of its monsoon circulation in the late Miocene associated with subsequent Pliocene warming. Using both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we reconstruct the species tree under a coalescent model and demonstrate that all major lineages originated before the Quaternary. Initial speciation within the genus occurred after the summer monsoon entered a stage of substantial intensification. Heavy summer precipitation established temporary water connectivity through overflows between adjacent stream systems, which may facilitate geographic range expansion by aquatic species such as Pachytriton. Species were formed in allopatry likely through vicariant isolation during or after range expansion. To evaluate the influence of Pliocene warming on these cold-adapted salamanders, we construct a novel temperature buffer-zone model, which suggests widespread physiological stress or even extinction during the warming period. A significant deceleration of species accumulation rate is consistent with Pliocene range contraction, which affected P. granulosus and P. archospotus the most because they lack large temperature buffer zones. In contrast, demographic growth occurred in species for which refugia persist. The buffer-zone model reveals the Huangshan Mountain as a potential climatic refugium, which is similar to that found for other East Asian organisms. Our approach can incorporate future climatic data to evaluate the potential impact of ongoing global warming on montane species (particularly amphibians) and to predict possible population declines.
机译:尽管广泛关注更新世冰川的遗传遗产,但人们对早期气候变化对生物多样性的影响知之甚少。由于两栖动物对降水和温度的变化高度敏感,因此我们使用中国山地sal属(Salamandridae:Pachytriton)来研究东亚的古气候变化,该区域经历了中新世晚期与上新世变暖相关的季风环流加剧。使用核和线粒体DNA序列,我们在合并模型下重建树种,并证明所有主要谱系均起源于第四纪之前。属内的最初物种形成发生在夏季风进入实质性强化阶段之后。夏季大量降雨通过相邻溪流系统之间的溢流建立了临时的水连通性,这可能有助于诸如Pachytriton之类的水生物种扩大地理范围。在范围扩大期间或之后,可能是通过隔离平民而形成的异体物种。为了评估上新世变暖对这些冷适应的am的影响,我们构建了一个新型的温度缓冲带模型,该模型表明在变暖期间普遍存在生理压力甚至灭绝。物种积累速率的显着降低与上新世范围的收缩相一致,上新世范围的收缩对P. granulosus和Archospotus的影响最大,因为它们缺少较大的温度缓冲带。相反,人口增长发生在持续避难的物种中。缓冲区模型揭示了黄山是潜在的气候避难所,与其他东亚生物类似。我们的方法可以纳入未来的气候数据,以评估持续的全球变暖对山地物种(尤其是两栖动物)的潜在影响,并预测可能的种群减少。



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