首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Cenozoic extinction and recolonization in the New Zealand flora: The case of the fleshy-fruited epacrids (Styphelieae, Styphelioideae, Ericaceae)

Cenozoic extinction and recolonization in the New Zealand flora: The case of the fleshy-fruited epacrids (Styphelieae, Styphelioideae, Ericaceae)


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The origins and evolutionary history of the New Zealand flora has been the subject of much debate. The recent description of Cyathodophyllum novaezelandieae from early Miocene sediments in New Zealand provides possible evidence for the antiquity of the fleshy fruited epacrids (tribe Styphelieae, Ericaceae) in New Zealand. Yet the extant species in this tribe are thought to be very closely related to or conspecific with Australian taxa, suggesting recent trans-Tasman origins. In order to investigate the origins and evolution of the extant New Zealand Styphelieae we produced molecular phylogenetic trees based on sequences of three plastid regions that include representatives of all the genera of the tribe and eight of the ten New Zealand species. We estimated the range of minimum ages of the New Zealand lineages with Bayesian relaxed-clock analyses using different calibration methods and relative dating. We found strong support for each of the eight extant species of New Zealand Styphelieae being a distinct lineage that is nested within an Australian clade. In all except one case the sister is from Tasmania and/or the east coast of mainland Australia; for Acrothamnus colensoi the sister is in New Guinea. Estimated dates indicate that all of the New Zealand lineages diverged from their non-New Zealand sisters within the last 7. Ma. Time discontinuity between the fossil C. novae-zelandiae (20-23. Ma) and the origins of the extant New Zealand lineages (none older than 5. Ma) indicates that the fossil and extant Styphelieae in New Zealand are not related. The relative dating analysis showed that to accept this relationship, it would be necessary to accept that the Styphelieae arose in the early-mid Mesozoic (210-120. Ma), which is starkly at odds with multiple lines of evidence on the age of Ericales and indeed the angiosperms. Therefore, our results do not support the hypothesis that Styphelieae have been continuously present in New Zealand since the early Miocene. Instead they suggest a historical biogeographical scenario in which the lineage to which C. novae-zelandiae belongs went extinct in New Zealand, and the extant New Zealand Styphelieae are derived from Australian lineages that recolonised (presumably by long distance dispersal) no earlier than the late Miocene to Pliocene.
机译:新西兰植物区系的起源和进化史一直是许多争论的主题。新西兰中新世早期沉积物中的Cyathodophyllum novaezelandieae的最新描述为新西兰的肉质果实epacrids(部落Styphelieae,Ericaceae)的古代提供了可能的证据。然而,该部落中的现存物种被认为与澳大利亚分类群有非常密切的关系或同种,这表明了最近跨塔斯曼的起源。为了调查现存新西兰戟科的起源和进化,我们基于三个质体区的序列(包括该部落所有属的代表和十个新西兰物种中的八个),生产了分子系统树。我们使用不同的校准方法和相对测年法通过贝叶斯宽松时钟分析估计了新西兰血统的最小年龄范围。我们发现强烈支持新西兰八仙科的每一个现存物种是嵌套在澳大利亚进化枝中的独特谱系。在所有情况下,姐妹都来自塔斯马尼亚州和/或澳大利亚大陆东海岸;她的姐姐在新几内亚为Acrothamnus colensoi提供服务。估计的日期表明,在过去的7年中,所有新西兰血统都与非新西兰姐妹不同。化石新孢子虫-西兰迪亚虫(20-23。Ma)与现存的新西兰血统(不早于5. Ma)的起源之间的时间不连续性表明化石与新西兰的戟科不相关。相对年代学分析表明,要接受这种关系,就必须接受戟科在中生代中早期(210-120.Ma)中出现,这与埃里卡利斯的年龄有多条证据完全不同。以及被子植物。因此,我们的结果不支持自中新世以来就一直在新西兰持续存在香菊科的假说。取而代之的是,他们提出了一个历史上的生物地理学场景,即新孢子虫属的血统在新西兰已经灭绝,而现存的新西兰戟科则起源于澳大利亚的血统,这些血统早于晚期就重新定殖了(大概是通过长距离扩散)。中新世至上新世。



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